Course Management Systems and Pedagogy
Gartner: E-learning Market Pushing Toward Open Source
Interview on the increase of open source LMSs Moodle and Sakai in higher education
Blackboard vs. Moodle: North Carolina Community Colleges Assessment
Highlights from a study comparing Blackboard and Moodle with several good points. Basically, neither system is much better than the other, but switching to Moodle saves money and ultimately makes students and faculty happy.
Sakai Pilot Evaluation Final Report
UNC report on their pilot of Sakai as a replacement for Blackboard. Quote from a faculty member in the report: "Have heard many complaints about Blackboard being kludgy. Sakai is graceful."
The minimal support needed is a good sign of Sakai's overall usability: "First, of the more than 1,000 people using a completely new collaborative learning environment for almost a full year period, we had a total of 264 tickets—the vast majority of which (74%) were for requests to use the system (new sites and new user accounts)...In summary, from a support perspective, 54 substantive help requests on behalf of more than 1,000 pilot participants over a nearly one-year period was a very positive finding."