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Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Research on teachers doing both face-to-face and online teaching. 75% of the teachers said that teaching online improved their face-to-face teaching. Course design and communication changes were most common, but some teachers also added multimedia.
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
From Degrading to De-Grading
From Degrading to De-Grading
Alfie Kohn on reasons to abolish the current grading system in favor of authentic assessment to focus on learning, rather than grading. Includes a number of citations that would be worth exploring.
<p class="articletext">Researchers have found three consistent effects of using – and especially, emphasizing the importance of – letter or number grades:</p> <p class="articletext">1.&nbsp; Grades tend to reduce students’ interest in the learning itself.&nbsp;</p>
2.&nbsp; Grades tend to reduce students’ preference for challenging tasks.
3.&nbsp; Grades tend to reduce the quality of students’ thinking.
From Degrading to De-Grading
Evaluating Online Learning
Evaluating Online Learning
80-page PDF from the US Department of Education on evaluating K-12 online learning. I haven't read it all yet, but some of this would probably apply to higher ed settings, and maybe corporate settings. Includes examples & case studies of successful online K-12 programs.
Evaluating Online Learning