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JOLT - Defining Tools for a New Learning Space: Writing and Reading Class Blogs
JOLT - Defining Tools for a New Learning Space: Writing and Reading Class Blogs
Examines blogs as learning tools for creating a "community of discourse." This article focuses more on the role of the facilitator in shaping the learning community than on the instructional design of assignments using blogs. There's some interesting ideas about evaluating success and determining whether students are reading blog posts beyond just how much commenting happens.
JOLT - Defining Tools for a New Learning Space: Writing and Reading Class Blogs
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
George Siemens and Peter Tittenberger have created this wiki handbook for educators who want to incorporate technology into learning. Looks at how and why change is happening in education and how technology can help meet the educational needs of a changing world.
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
eLearn: Best Practices - Discussion Management Tips for Online Educators
eLearn: Best Practices - Discussion Management Tips for Online Educators
Tips for online facilitators, especially relevant for those used to teaching in a physical classroom who are moving online. Good practical stuff here like saving some of your best stories to re-energize students when motivation is lagging late in the course and preparing discussion questions and replies in advance.
eLearn: Best Practices - Discussion Management Tips for Online Educators