The 8 Best Free Moodle Plugins for Corporate Trainers - Capterra BlogCustomized reporting, integration with WebEx or Adobe Connect, gamification, Tin Can, and more.#moodle#free#plugins#lms#totara#corporate#training#TinCanAPI#gamification#elearning··Mar 19, 2015The 8 Best Free Moodle Plugins for Corporate Trainers - Capterra Blog
The Top 8 Free/Open Source LMSs - Capterra BlogThis is actually 18+ free and/or open source LMSs. Some are truly open source, some are freemium or other business models. If you want a list that goes well beyond Moodle and Canvas, this is a good place to start.#LMS#opensource#free#tools#moodle#elearning··Mar 22, 2016The Top 8 Free/Open Source LMSs - Capterra Blog