Tools for branching scenarios, from free and simple to expensive and complex. PDF, PowerPoint, BranchTrack, Inklewriter, Twine, Storyline, and SimWriter.
How I Built This Branched E-Learning Scenario - E-Learning Heroes
Nicole Legault explains how she built a branching scenario in Storyline 2 in about 6 hours. She explains her process for building and saving time, along with details on creating a progress meter and where she found images.
Create a Branching Scenario in 7 Steps – jamie billingham
Jamie Billingham explains his process for creating a branching scenario. He plans the structure in a mind mapping tool called Plectica and uses tables to organize content. The final product was built in Storyline. This process is a little different than mine, and it's interesting to see someone else walk through their steps.
Stephanie Harnett has rebuilt Cathy Moore's classic "Connect with Haji Kamal" example in Storyline (with Cathy's permission). The original branching scenario relied on Flash, so it hasn't been fully available to play through for several years. I'm glad Stephanie has made it available again as an example.