WebAIM: Web Accessibility in Mind
Browsing habits of screen reader users
Screenreader Visibility
Fangs - the screen reader emulator- Standards Schmandards
This <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/">Mozilla Firefox</a> extension creates a textual representation of a web page similar to how the page would be read by a modern screen reader.
Seven Screen Reader Usability Tips
Web Design References: Accessibility
EASI: Equal Access to Software and Information
Suckerfish Dropdowns - Three Level Bones
[ws] Color Scheme Generator 2
Introduction to Web Accessibility
WebAIM: Creating Accessible Macromedia Flash Content
Adobe - Accessibility Resource Center
‘Building Accessible Websites’ (Joe Clark; 2006.01.29)
A List Apart: Articles: Testability Costs Too Much
The problem with testability is that even the most reasonable of success criteria can be non-testable—and if a success criterion is not considered testable, it isn’t included in <acronym title="Web Content Accessibility Guidelines"><span class="caps"><span class="caps">WCAG</span></span></acronym> 2.0. Whether the criterion is an otherwise useful technique that improves accessibility is now irrelevant to whether it gets included in <acronym title="Web Content Accessibility Guidelines"><span class="caps"><span class="caps">WCAG</span></span></acronym> 2.0.
WCAG Samurai Errata for WCAG 1.0
Second Life: Do You Need One? (Part 4) : July 2007 : THE Journal
NKY.Com - Teacher adapts to technology
"The creativity it brings to all of us is remarkable," said Schlachter, who teaches fourth- and fifth-graders at St. Catherine of Siena School. "I'm teaching in a totally different way as a result."
WebAIM: WebAIM Section 508 Checklist
Instructional Design and Accessibility: Cognitive Curb Cuts
Bloomsburg U Tailors Online Learning to the Deaf
Blindness | Critique Wall.com
Great examples of side by side images demonstrating what someone with red-green colorblindness sees, by someone who is colorblind. Always good to keep in mind for designing--this is why accessibility guidelines against using color as the only indicator exist.
pipwerks.com » Blog Archive » How I build my eLearning courses
An argument for designing e-learning using web standards for better quality, accessibility, portability, and maintenance.
<strong>Most eLearning tools do not promote the creation of effective courses, do not promote web standards, and do not promote accessibility; they merely make cookie-cutter course development easier for technically inexperienced course developers.</strong>
JAWS: Navigating Web Pages
Navigation keyboard commands for the JAWS screen reader
Clive on Learning: PowerPoint accessibility
Discussion of accessibility challenges in PowerPoint presentations with suggested solutions for each.
About Fire Vox
Open Source screen reader for Firefox. Nice to have a free option that you can use for development and testing purposes without violating the TOS (i.e., JAWS).
WebAIM: Blog - UN Ratifies Disability Treaty
UN's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) will go into effect 5/3/08 in the countries that have ratified it (the US isn't one).
The most prominent is <a href="http://www.un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id=269">Article 9 - “Accessibility”</a>, which places accessibility of information, communication, and technologies (ICT) at the same level as Articles on “The right to life”, “Equal recognition before the law”, “Access to justice”, and “Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”. You can see that accessible ICT is being taken very seriously.
Blind users still struggle with 'maddening' computing obstacles
Computerworld article on the minimal progress made in assistive technology and accessible design. Vista is substantially less accessible than Windows 3.1, for example; there are actions in Vista which cannot be done with a keyboard.
<p id="first_paragraph">
Put your graphical user interface to this test: Adjust the contrast on your display until the screen is completely black. </p>
<p>Now, perform basic e-mail, word processing and Web-browsing tasks.</p>
<p>What? Having a problem?</p>
<p>Welcome to the world of the 1.3 million Americans who are blind.</p>
WebAIM: WebAIM Section 508 Checklist
Checklist with guidelines for each requirement of Section 508 standards for HTML and scripts. For each guideline, "pass" and "fail" tests are provided.
CSS Vertical Bar Graphs
How to create a vertical bar graph in html with just CSS and a table. Very cool technique. It appears that the data would all be accessible to a screenreader because it's basically a table.
A List Apart: Articles: Accessible Data Visualization with Web Standards
Accessible, interactive charts with CSS. All data is in unordered lists; the CSS formatting makes it a chart.