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SpeEdChange: Left Behind
SpeEdChange: Left Behind
Looking at the resistance to change in education and the need for 21st century skills, with an intriguing perspective on how this connects to our attitudes about ADHD, Asperger's, and other cognitive disabilities.
This is why - I think unconsciously - so many academics and educators resist contemporary ICT so fiercely. Accepting these new technologies means that the advantages they were taught to prize in themselves - their study habits, their ability to focus, their willingness to depend on authoritative sources and to observe classroom rules - might prove to be their undoing. And the disadvantages they despised in others, ADHD for example, processing information via pictures instead of the abstraction of text as another, the disadvantages that have been labelled as pathological "disabilities," might prove to be advantageous in this new world.
That ADHD kid might be far better in front of multiple monitors with a dozen windows open and 15 tabs going in Firefox than the professor and former high school valedictorian who is really uncomfortable if a TV is on while she is reading. That Asperger's kid who processes images efficiently might be far better at analysing changing maps than the text-dependent historian.
I feel the same watching most classrooms, seeing most reading assignments, observing how assessments are conducted in educational institutions. Yes, that carriage is wonderful, but the cars will rush past it. Yes, that calligraphy is beautiful but you just spent six months creating a single book. Certainly, that bronze sword is beautiful but the steel weapon will cut it in half. Yes, you did wonderfully on the multiple-choice exam but I need people who can find information and develop new ideas, not repeat what I already know. Yes, you read that whole book, but I need to know the range of observations from these twelve sources around the globe.
SpeEdChange: Left Behind
SpeEdChange: Refusing Free, Depriving Students
SpeEdChange: Refusing Free, Depriving Students
Why do schools refuse to use free and open source software options, even when those options would improve accessibility for students? Ignorance? Fear? Politics? Probably some combination of all three.
If an electrician was too afraid of electricity to touch a wire, he'd be an electrician no more. So if an educator is afraid of the information and communication technologies of his/her age, then he/she can no longer be an "educator" in any meaningful way.
SpeEdChange: Refusing Free, Depriving Students
Disability Pride Month — Qi Creative Inc.
Disability Pride Month — Qi Creative Inc.
A good starting point for understanding disability and ableism (with a summary of the medical vs. social models of disability). This has notes on language and links to people in the disability community to follow.
Disability Pride Month — Qi Creative Inc.
Recordings - IDEAL22: The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility for Learning Conference
Recordings - IDEAL22: The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility for Learning Conference
All recordings from the IDEAL 2022 conference by the TLDC. Hear Bela Gaytan, Kayleen Holt, Bridget Brown, Devin Torres and others speak about inclusive learning. This was a free conference, and the recordings are available even if you didn't attend live.
Recordings - IDEAL22: The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility for Learning Conference
The Audio Issue
The Audio Issue
"Against Access" by John Lee Clark is a very different view of accessibility than you might find in more prominent channels like disability Twitter. The author is DeafBlind, and he talks about how many efforts at accessibility fall short of meaningful experiences. This article is worth reading just for the DeafBlind perspective, which isn't typically included in most accessibility discussions. For example, how would you make a version of the game UNO usable to DeafBlind players? Not just accessible with Braille that references colors they can't see--but an enjoyable game, tailored to their experiences?
The Audio Issue