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Clive on Learning: Learning, learners and logistics
Clive on Learning: Learning, learners and logistics
Questions to ask during the needs analysis phase, in three categories: learning, learners, and logistics. Some additional questions are in the comments, including some good questions about consequences for performance (very helpful, especially for developing scenarios).
Clive on Learning: Learning, learners and logistics
Ecosystem 2014 Resources | businesscriticallearning
Ecosystem 2014 Resources | businesscriticallearning
Spreadsheet for analyzing LMS needs from different vendors. Add your criteria on the Evaluation Sheet. Criteria are in categories (usability, management, reporting, technical, administration), but you could customize the categories. Rate vendors on their own tab on how well they meet the criteria. The top 5 of 10 vendors are highlighted.
Ecosystem 2014 Resources | businesscriticallearning