It’s a video game style roller coaster ride, but the ups and downs of the ride are tied directly to housing prices, adjusted for inflation from the 1800s to 2006.
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
Research on how effective use of multimedia can improve learning outcomes. Based on research by Mayer, Moreno, Clark, & others. Much of this is in e-Learning and the Science of Instruction, but some of these principles, especially on interactivity, aren't included in that book. (Quotes from page 4)
Direct Manipulation Principle: As the complexity of the materials increases, the impact of direct manipulation (animation, pacing) of the learning materials on the transfer of knowledge also increases.
However, when the average student is engaged in higher-order thinking using multimedia in interactive situations, on average, that student's percentage ranking on higher-order or transfer skills increases by 32 percentile points over what the student would have accomplished with traditional learning.
Create animations with premade cartoon characters, backgrounds, and music. You can upload your own content too. No programming required. I could see this as a tool for digital storytelling.
authorSTREAM Online PowerPoint Presentations and Slideshow Sharing
Similar to Slideshare, this site lets you upload PowerPoint presentations for online sharing. However, this site also allows conversion to Flash while keeping all transitions and animations.
» Now You Can Design E-Learning Courses Like a Pro The Rapid eLearning Blog
Showing how you can create interactive e-learning even if PowerPoint is your only available tool, with a demo of a frog dissection created in PowerPoint.
Web-based open source application for creating animations. Allows for the creation of multiple layers and uses a timeline. Not much documentation or support since it's early in development, but looks like it's worth playing with if you don't have the budget for Flash and do have some time.
The Educational Remix- At Odds With Copyright? | nashworld
Interesting use of Animoto (which creates music videos from a collection of images) with text to create a presentation about the author of a book. Includes a description of how the presentation was created. This does raise some questions of copyright though. Does this count as a sufficiently transformative use of the song to be included here? I'm not 100% convinced; I probably would have found something from Magnatune or elsewhere that was CC-licensed.
Review of a high school Animoto project with details on some of the issues students had with account sign-ups, organizing files, and using non-CC-licensed images.
Online book about visual design for multimedia. The content is a bit old (originally written in 1996), but the principles of layout and color are still relevant.
Could Power Point Presentations Be Stifling Learning?
This summary doesn't say how large the sample size was, and the researchers clarify that it's only about teaching new concepts. However, it is interesting to note that animation in PowerPoint slide decreased recall and comprehension.
<p>To test their hypothesis, the team recorded two versions of a PowerPoint lecture. The presentations differed only in the presence of animation to incrementally present information. They then showed students either the animated or non-animated lecture and then tested the students recall and comprehension of the lecture.</p>
<p>The team found a marked difference in average student performance, with those seeing the non-animated lecture performing much better in the tests than those who watched the animated lecture. Students were able to recall details of the static graphics much better. Animated slides meant to present information incrementally actually require greater concentration, which makes it harder to remember content as well as reducing overall exposure time to the "complete" slide, the researchers found.</p>
<p>To test their hypothesis, the team recorded two versions of a PowerPoint lecture. The presentations differed only in the presence of animation to incrementally present information. They then showed students either the animated or non-animated lecture and then tested the students recall and comprehension of the lecture.</p>
<p>The team found a marked difference in average student performance, with those seeing the non-animated lecture performing much better in the tests than those who watched the animated lecture. </p>
Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: Evidence Based E-Learning #dl09 #dl09-104
Cammy Bean's live blogged notes from DevLearn with Ruth Clark. Lots of this is the multimedia principles I've read before (and maybe don't always apply in authentic learning environments, but that's another story). The research on animations vs stills was new to me though.
open thinking » 90+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy
A collection of videos related to technology and media literacy, sorted in categories like "Conversation Starters," "Influence of Media on Society," and "Social Networks & Identity."
How much does an educational animation cost per minute: $30, $150 or $3000? - F.learning Studio
The lower two prices generally reflect work done in developing countries. This describes the differences in what you'll get for animation at different price points.
Sci Ani – Science Animated – Your research brought to life
Provider of custom animation. Whiteboard animation starts around $1600/minute. 2D animation starts around $1900/minute. Full 3D animation starts around $7400/minute
Calculator for how much it costs to make a video (live, animated, etc.). Enter your variables and get an estimate. This looks like a useful tool for getting benchmarks.