» Now You Can Design E-Learning Courses Like a Pro The Rapid eLearning Blog
Showing how you can create interactive e-learning even if PowerPoint is your only available tool, with a demo of a frog dissection created in PowerPoint.
Web-based open source application for creating animations. Allows for the creation of multiple layers and uses a timeline. Not much documentation or support since it's early in development, but looks like it's worth playing with if you don't have the budget for Flash and do have some time.
The Educational Remix- At Odds With Copyright? | nashworld
Interesting use of Animoto (which creates music videos from a collection of images) with text to create a presentation about the author of a book. Includes a description of how the presentation was created. This does raise some questions of copyright though. Does this count as a sufficiently transformative use of the song to be included here? I'm not 100% convinced; I probably would have found something from Magnatune or elsewhere that was CC-licensed.