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Custom sorting Random ideas on random conversations (CCK08-Week 9) Random ideas on random conversations (CCK08-Week 9)
Another set of notes from Nancy White's discussion for CCK08. Where my notes focused heavily on what Nancy and Stephen was saying, Diego did a much better job of capturing and summarizing the chat conversation.
When you think of yourself as a learner, you begin to act as one, and suddenly all the potential of networks and online information begins to make sense
·· Random ideas on random conversations (CCK08-Week 9)
Education - Pharmer's Market: The Cost of Producing "Successful" Students
Education - Pharmer's Market: The Cost of Producing "Successful" Students
A comparison of standardized schooling with industrial agriculture and the effects of the obsession on productivity in both environments
In standardized environments, students with a high tolerance for monotony and the ability to repress their curious gene are deemed the fittest of the bunch.
It seems that despite (or maybe because of) our fetish with productivity, many of humanity's most pressing issues seem to be getting worse. The unnatural selection playing out in schools creates what every educational institution's mission statement pledges against: the creation of uncritical, passive, challenge-averse individuals, unwilling and unable to tackle the challenges of the 21st-century.
Education - Pharmer's Market: The Cost of Producing "Successful" Students