Eide Neurolearning Blog: Why It's Hard to Get Rid of Old Ideas
eLearn: The Story-Centered Curriculum
A Modest Curriculum Proposal | Edutopia
In discussing the need for hands-on science learning, Nichols asked us to imagine parents at the dinner table asking their young son or daughter that age-old question "What did you learn in school today?" The child shrugs, as children often do, and says, "We learned to play basketball." The parents then ask, "How did you do that?" The child answers, "Well, we sat in the gym and the teacher passed out these books, and we turned to chapter one, about passing the basketball, and we learned there are three types of passes: the bounce pass, the chest pass, and the one-handed pass."
"OK," parents would say, wanting to know more, "what happened next?" The child continues, "We read the next chapter about dribbling. And another chapter on shooting. We learned there’s the set shot, the bank shot, and the jump shot." After a few minutes of this recitation, the parents, increasingly exasperated, challenge their child: "But did the teacher ever give you a basketball and let you go on the court and play?" "No,” the child says with a sigh. "We just read the book until the bell rang."</p>
No more school as council opens 'learning centres' - Independent Online Edition News
<p>The style of learning will be completely different. The new centres will open from 7am until 10pm in both term-time and what used to be known as the school holidays. At weekends, they will open from 9am to 8pm.</p>
<p>Youngsters will not be taught in formal classes, nor will they stick to a rigid timetable; instead they will work online at their own speeds on programmes that are tailor-made to match their interests.</p>
Web of Connections
TeacherTube - Perturbations and possibilities in the virtual classroom
‘Natives,’ ‘Immigrants’ and ‘Pioneers’ in the Digital World « Scholars and Rogues
But the point is that these writers and researchers totally ignore or overlook people like me who were the earliest users and adapters, and are ourselves ‘natives’. Or more properly, we’re <em>pioneers</em>, since we’re the ones who built, tested, and worked the bugs out of many of these things. We were the people in the university computer labs, or in the military communications shops, who put this technology to real-world use, and, when we could, started bragging about it to our outside friends.
StoryBoard Mind: The Use Of Tools... and Friction
I was touched by her comment of near resignation when she says "<em>Besides, I know that realistically our organization is not going to stop using a traditional LMS, so this is a thought exercise for me."</em> Christy, the hope of friendlier, more useful and adaptive tools is thankfully a 'thought exercise' for most of us. Those ideas will spawn the tools that will swallow your LMS.
2¢ Worth » Teachers & Technology — a rant!
For several years, many of us have been trying to make a case for thinking about education in new ways, largely as a result of technological advancements and their affects on how we use information. I think that many education leaders are listening now. I think that they are ready for clear images and stories about 21st century classrooms and what teachers and students should be doing to better prepare a generation of new century citizens.
I almost lost it when I read, in Cheryl Oats’ comment, “<em>..someone told me they didn’t want to learn one more new thing, they didn’t like new things..</em>“ I would want to ask, “You call yourself a teacher?” Who more than teachers should be willing and eager to learn new things?
incorporated subversion » Blog Archive » Be quiet, listen to me, I know what you need…
Oh, I can hardly bear to go on… in fact I can’t, so I’ll finish here, except to say that that such an interesting overview of a slice of ed tech history has rarely, if ever, been followed by such a reactionary, limited and incomplete ivory-towered, condescending and ill-informed argument (if you can call it that).
Connectivism Blog: Digital Natives and Immigrants
But our institutions need to change because of the increasing complexity of society and globalization. Schools and universities play a dual role: accommodating learner’s method and mode of learning <i>and</i> transforming learners and preparing them to function in the world that is unfolding. This distinction may seem slight, but it's important. <br>
Why should schools react to learner's methods of learning and interacting with content? Well, obviously, if we ignore how they interact with each other and with content, we are largely subjecting them to a mode of thinking (linear, certainty-based) that is at odds with how they experience life (complex, social, and collaborative). Contrary to Prensksy's views, this distinction is NOT a function of age. It's a function of attitude...a mindset of experimentation...experience with technology.
Around the Corner v2 - MGuhlin.net - Read/Write Web
Famous Quotes: Educational Quotes for the 21st Century
YouTube - A Vision of K-12 Students Today
A synthesis of information from several videos, including Michael Wesch's "Vision of Students Today" and Karl Fisch's "Did You Know." The style is similar to Wesch's video, where students hold up signs with text. This isn't so much new or innovative as a great example of a remix of content for a specific audience, focusing more on K-12 teachers.
What's Wrong With This Picture?
Explains how TTWWADI (That's The Way We've Always Done It) affects decisions. One example is how modern rail widths are based on ruts from Roman chariots from 2000 years ago. Any real change in education (or any organization) has to fight against TTWWADI.
Weblogg-ed » Local Connections and Global Connections
Will Richardson, about the Educon 2.0 conference. Great quote about technology from Chris Lehmann. One of Will's insights is that although we often talk about technology in terms of global connections, the connections within the local community also benefit from technology integration.
As Chris says often, “Technology is not additive; technology is transformative.”
Finally, the one real head twister that I got yesterday was during Chris’s own session when he was talking about how his thinking is moving away from the “having kids publish globally to the world” product piece of all of this a “let’s focus on the process of community building and publishing within the walls” approach.
The culture of sharing and participation that is created within the local community is more important almost that making those connections outside.
SEDL Product: Creating a Professional Learning Community: Cottonwood Creek School: Issues About Change, Volume 6, Number 2
Creating professional learning communities in K-12 schools
growing changing learning creating: Relying on inner teachers
Looking at changing education and giving learners control of their own learning, letting their "inner teachers" guide them.
When we assume each student has an inner teacher within their minds, we will stop interfering with the discovery, cultivation and trust building with that inner teacher. The inner teacher will come to the fore of the students learning experiences and and reconfigure how they picture learning occurring. Problems with a particular learning challenge or patterns of learning efforts will get worked out between the student and the inner teacher who already knows what the underlying problems are.
When immersed in learning from everything that happens, people will appear very fascinating to each other. No two people will be the same and offer so much more to explore as their mysterious nature captivates other learners. The process of getting learned about by others-- will give each a feeling of being understood. A context of mutual respect, insight and acceptance will dramatically reduce the urge to get attention, get even or act out frustrations.
21st Century Learning: We Got Your Back
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach starts with how Skype is a disruptive technology, explaining conversations with Al Upton (miniLegends' teacher). She transitions into what it means to be a teacher leader in the 21st century and mentions research on the long-term learning benefits of innovative teaching.
These are the roles of a 21st Century educator: Teacher as leader, Teacher as writer, Teachers as 21st Century literacy activist.
21st Century Learning: 9 Principles for Implementation: The Big Shift
9 principles for implementing transformational change in education, changing the culture to support 21st century learning. Principles include "People before Things (or test scores)" and "As the Individual Grows so Will the Collective Wisdom of the Community"
Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog - Blue Skunk Blog - Changing how we teach copyright Pt 1
The first part in a series on a new approach to teaching copyright, starting with a focus on what is allowed by Fair Use
<span class="sizeGreater20">Change the focus of copyright instruction from what is forbidden to what is permitted. </span>
Education Week: Online Education Cast as ‘Disruptive Innovation’
Book review describing online education as a disruptive technology for K-12 education. The educational system as it exists right now, the authors argue, can't adapt to new technologies and provide the individualized, student-centered approaches possible with online learning. Compares models of change in business to education.
<a href="http://www.mhprofessional.com/product.php?isbn=0071592067"><i>Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns</i></a> predicts that the growth in computer-based delivery of education will accelerate swiftly until, by 2019, half of all high school classes will be taught over the Internet.
The Only Net-Gen Nonsense : Ruminate
Response to the "Net Gen Nonsense" blog and George Siemens' arguments that it's the environment changing rather than the learners. Chris Lott argues that learners have changed in response to the changing environment; the characteristics of these learners are more important than whether the changes are biological or environmental in origin. Interesting analogy to eating in times of abundance and scarcity.
I suspect that we will see, in retrospect, that there are biological and neurological changes occurring due to technological changes, but it’s not really important. The remonstrations about the evidence remind me of scientists concluding that bumblebees can’t fly and philosophers concluding that there is no physical reality. Like Berkeley, I refute you thus, with the students I teach every term… but I will refrain from kicking them as proof!
The analogy I came up with a few days ago was that of eating. People eat very differently in times of abundance than scarcity. Their biology doesn’t significantly change (though it does some), but it would be foolish to look around and argue that people aren’t really eating differently, it’s just a change in their food context. It would be wiser to recognize that the socioeconomic context is an important factor to consider when it comes to nutrition and try to teach proper eating habits in an environment that is not just no longer one of hunting and gathering, but one that is very different for most of us from even 50 years ago.
SpeEdChange: Left Behind
Looking at the resistance to change in education and the need for 21st century skills, with an intriguing perspective on how this connects to our attitudes about ADHD, Asperger's, and other cognitive disabilities.
This is why - I think unconsciously - so many academics and educators resist contemporary ICT so fiercely. Accepting these new technologies means that the advantages they were taught to prize in themselves - their study habits, their ability to focus, their willingness to depend on authoritative sources and to observe classroom rules - might prove to be their undoing. And the disadvantages they despised in others, ADHD for example, processing information via pictures instead of the abstraction of text as another, the disadvantages that have been labelled as pathological "disabilities," might prove to be advantageous in this new world.
That ADHD kid might be far better in front of multiple monitors with a dozen windows open and 15 tabs going in Firefox than the professor and former high school valedictorian who is really uncomfortable if a TV is on while she is reading. That Asperger's kid who processes images efficiently might be far better at analysing changing maps than the text-dependent historian.
I feel the same watching most classrooms, seeing most reading assignments, observing how assessments are conducted in educational institutions. Yes, that carriage is wonderful, but the cars will rush past it. Yes, that calligraphy is beautiful but you just spent six months creating a single book. Certainly, that bronze sword is beautiful but the steel weapon will cut it in half. Yes, you did wonderfully on the multiple-choice exam but I need people who can find information and develop new ideas, not repeat what I already know. Yes, you read that whole book, but I need to know the range of observations from these twelve sources around the globe.
e-Learning Centre by Learning Light - e-Learning Quotations
Quotes on e-learning, learning, education, and change.
IgnitePhilly -- Five Minutes To Communicate - Practical Theory
5 minute presentation (20 slides) by Chris Lehmann on school reform and what we need for School 2.0. Several good lines in here--a bunch of memorable ideas packed into a few minutes. Assessment should be projects, not tests. Data is what kids do every day, not what they do on a test. Passion, metacognition, and lifelong learning matter. "If you want to see what kids have learned, give them a project."
Groups into Networks New Curriculum Needed - CCK08 - ubiquitous's posterous
An idea for how to move towards networked learning: start with groups, which will initially be more comfortable and less chaotic, then gradually increase the freedom to learning in networks.
Once students get the hang of groups online, just like any mother bird,
the teacher needs to slowly start pushing them out of the nest. And I
do not mean anywhere near Middle School. Most of the students in a
school will be ready for this kind of experience nearing High School,
and I believe this age will slowly lower as time passes and this form
of education becomes more common.
The process of moving the students forward from a group setting to a
network will be required, so will an educator familiar with both. For
this process to properly occur, curriculum will need to be specifically
designed and implemented, taking into account, emerging technologies
and student safety within an online environment.
Brave New Classroom 2.0 (New Blog Forum) | Britannica Blog
Discussions pro and con about technology in the classroom, in response to this question: "Do the new classroom technologies represent an educational breakthrough, a threat to teaching itself, or something in between?" Michael Wesch and Steve Hargadon are two of the educators included in the discussion.
CCK08: Connecting for Change: The New Role of Educators
Another response to Nancy White's CCK08 discussion on how to get change to happen. Also includes an interesting graphic with overlapping skills of "social fluency" based on work by Chris Lott.
<img src="http://blogs.salon.com/0002007/images/socialfluency.jpg" title="" alt="social fluency" />
Change has to start with an identified need, not with a good idea. Generally, we only change when we must. Listen for needs.
like great research, begins with asking important questions, and
provoking respondents to self-change instead of trying to persuade or
impose it.
Experiment. The best, profound changes come from masses of iterative learning and exploration of possibilities.
Systems thinking and innovation | effectivedesign.org
Live blogged notes from AECT about systems thinking, innovation, and games for learning. Lots of side comments too, including some good connections to instructional design and getting too bogged down in multiple theories.
This is exactly what has happened to instructional design, and could by <a href="http://effectivedesign.org/2008/02/11/instructional-design-in-academia-where-theory-and-practice-rarely-meet/">why theory and practice don’t meet</a>. <strong>So much theory has been introduced that we can no longer see how instruction is actually designed.</strong> That’s why I think many times it has become easier for novice (in this case non-academically trained) designers can do it so often. They are not encumbered by the fog of theory.