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sciencegeekgirl » The burden of proof: What does education research really tell us?
sciencegeekgirl » The burden of proof: What does education research really tell us?
Looking at the resistance to change in education even when research supports certain strategies (like active learning). Educators resist using new teaching methods when they don't feel the research matches up with their personal experience. Education research isn't the same as pure scientific research in a lab where everything can be controlled, but if there is some repeatability in multiple contexts, isn't that educational research onto something?
sciencegeekgirl » The burden of proof: What does education research really tell us?
The New Literacy: Stanford study finds richness and complexity in students' writing
The New Literacy: Stanford study finds richness and complexity in students' writing
Young people write more than they used to, and they don't just write when it's required. The study also found that spelling errors aren't as much of a problem as they were 20 years ago, now that spell check software is easily accessible.
Today's kids don't just write for grades anymore. They write to shake the world. Moreover, they are writing more than any previous generation, ever, in history. They navigate in a bewildering new arena where writers and their audiences have merged.
For these students, "Good writing changes something. It doesn't just sit on the page. It gets up, walks off the page and changes something," whether it's a website or a poster for a walkathon.
The New Literacy: Stanford study finds richness and complexity in students' writing