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A Wandering Eyre » Archive » Meetings, Meetings Everywhere and Not a Decision in Sight
A Wandering Eyre » Archive » Meetings, Meetings Everywhere and Not a Decision in Sight
<p>When you hold a meeting over chat, develop an idea on a wiki, discuss solutions to problems on a discussion board, or collectively edit a document, you leave little traces of the process everywhere. There are transcripts, different versions of documents, and there is an actual record of who made what comment and contributed what material.</p> <p>In a f2f meeting, we rely on a person to take notes. We all know that Meeting Minutes are nothing more then a list of decisions and action items. Meeting minutes do not reflect the decision process, the tension a topic may have induced, or the crazy idea that got thrown on the table and very quickly was swept under the rug. Meeting minutes are the sanitized version of what really happened. Sometimes, they are so sanitized as to be completely useless to those who were not in attendance.</p> <p>Conducting committee work on the web can be dirty, it can be chaotic, and, in most instances, it is open for all the world to see. Moving committee work to the web is the picture of <a href="">radical transparency</a> and that scares people. Big organizations hate admitting failure and process can look like failure.</p> <p>We have to get over the idea that conducting our work in the open is bad. We have to get over the idea that f2f meetings are the most productive way to work. They are not. They never will be. Get over it already.</p>
A Wandering Eyre » Archive » Meetings, Meetings Everywhere and Not a Decision in Sight
eLearn: Case Studies - The Reluctant Online Professor
eLearn: Case Studies - The Reluctant Online Professor
As it turned out, this was one of the best courses, online or onsite, I have ever taught. Not only did I witness enormous engagement among almost all of the students, but the level of learning was much higher than in previous years.
The feedback from the students on the course was very positive, better than I had received for the onsite course in previous years. One of my favorite written student comments was, "… I don't know how this course could be taught as effectively in the classroom."
eLearn: Case Studies - The Reluctant Online Professor
elearnspace: Collective Intelligence? Nah. Connective Intelligence
elearnspace: Collective Intelligence? Nah. Connective Intelligence
George Siemens distinguishes between collective and connective intelligence, highlighting the importance of maintaining individual identity.
J<a href="">ames Surowiecki</a> explored a similar concept in Wisdom of the Crowds. Surowiecki's book is often misunderstood. He makes the point that people do not <em>think together</em> in coming to certain conclusions, but rather than people think on their own and the value of the collaborative comes in the connection and combination of ideas. Each person retains their own identity and ideas, but they are shaped and influenced by the work of others.
Collective intelligence places the collective first. Connective intelligence places the individual node first.
elearnspace: Collective Intelligence? Nah. Connective Intelligence
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Guest Post by Gaurav Mishra: The 4Cs Social Media Framework
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Guest Post by Gaurav Mishra: The 4Cs Social Media Framework
A framework for principles of thinking about social media, aiming to look at the underlying purposes and benefits of the tools without getting caught up in the specific tools or buzzwords.
4Cs of social media: Content, Collaboration, Community and Collective Intelligence
Collaboration can happen at three levels: conversation, co-creation and collective action
The third C, Community, refers to the idea that social media facilitates sustained collaboration around a shared idea, over time and often across space.
The great thing about collective intelligence is that it becomes easier to extract meaning from a community as the size and strength of the community grow.
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Guest Post by Gaurav Mishra: The 4Cs Social Media Framework