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Blogging boosts your social life: research
Blogging boosts your social life: research
Social and emotional benefits of blogging include better social support networks and feel more part of a community.
<p>Bloggers reported a greater sense of belonging to a group of like-minded people and feeling more confident they could rely on others for help.</p> <p>All respondents, whether or not they blogged, reported feeling less anxious, depressed and stressed after two months of online social networking.</p>
Blogging boosts your social life: research
The Bamboo Project Blog: Deconstructing the Work Literacy Learning Event
The Bamboo Project Blog: Deconstructing the Work Literacy Learning Event
Michele Martin debriefs the experience of teaching the Work Literacy online course via Ning. Several things they did were very successful. Ning was a good platform, even though it's intended as a social networking tool rather than a CMS. Explicitly saying that different levels of participation were acceptable meant that lurkers felt comfortable dipping in and out as legitimate perispheral participants. Was the course a success? It sounds like they all learned from the experience; to me, that means it's a success even if some aspects didn't work as they hoped.
The Bamboo Project Blog: Deconstructing the Work Literacy Learning Event