The ALA Primer Part Two: Resources For Beginners
CSS Navigation Techniques (37 entries)
Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | Experiments with cascading style sheets | Doing it with Style
cssMenus › CSS › Learn › solarDreamStudios
css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design
blueprintcss - Google Code
A List Apart: Articles: How to Size Text in CSS
CSS Creator IE6 left-shift after div
Solutions for a CSS problem I was having with our team blog. Text following a blockquote was cut off on the left. Without a width on the blockquote, IE6 tries to treat the width as 100% plus padding. Putting a width of 80% on the blockquote seems to have fixed the issue. If everyone would just switch to Firefox, my life would be so much easier.
CSS Vertical Bar Graphs
How to create a vertical bar graph in html with just CSS and a table. Very cool technique. It appears that the data would all be accessible to a screenreader because it's basically a table.
Dropdown low down — Tyssen Design
Comparison of accessibility of numerous dropdown menus using CSS and Javascript
Example: Using YUI to provide links to more content
Javascript and CSS solution for a "more" link that expands and collapses content
Harry Maugans » How to Create a Collapsible DIV with Javascript and CSS
Directions for creating text that you can expand and collapse. Seems to be accessible too
Harry Maugans » How to Create an Animated, Sliding, Collapsible DIV with Javascript and CSS
Similar to the other link about collapsible text, but this one allows for animation and has two separate links for sliding down & sliding up
Cross-Browser CSS Gradient
CSS-only gradients--no separate images needed. Still won't work in all browsers, but it's a nice touch for the ones that do.
Button Maker
Change the colors and options to create CSS3 buttons
CSS Button Generator: Create HTML and CSS Button Styles
Create CSS buttons
Bubbly — CSS speech bubbles made easy
A free tool for generating speech bubbles in CSS. Something like this might be usable in Twine with some tweaking to assign this formatting based on tags.
The Twine® Grimoire, Vol. 1 by Grim Baccaris
Extensive guide on using CSS with Twine, aimed at beginner to intermediate Twine users
GitHub - danieltalsky/twine-css-template: Twine2 is a great tool for beginners to make games, but there aren't customization options out of the box, and the way to use CSS is not well documented. This template is a well-commented basic reset that allows y
A CSS template for customizing Twine games