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"Why I'll never sign up for any Blogger Code of Conduct" from The Intuitive Life Business Blog
"Why I'll never sign up for any Blogger Code of Conduct" from The Intuitive Life Business Blog
I am all for civility, reasoned discourse, and coherent and respectful discussion in the blogosphere, as I am on discussion boards, in email, chat rooms, and even in real life. But I don't control the world, I can't tell you how you should be phrasing your sentences or conveying your thoughts, nor would I want to. Yes, there are certain views that are beyond what I will tolerate in my hosted discussion space, but <b>I still support your right to have those views</b> even if I occasionally click that "delete" button and kick your comment into the ether.
"Why I'll never sign up for any Blogger Code of Conduct" from The Intuitive Life Business Blog
Bill Kerr: just the facts about online youth victimisation
Bill Kerr: just the facts about online youth victimisation
Disclosing personal information on line does not put teens at risk. What puts teens in danger is being willing to talk about sex on line with strangers or having a pattern of multiple risky activities on the web like going to sex sites and chat rooms<br><br>So, to prevent these crimes is going to be a lot more awkward, messy and complicated than something as bland as telling teens not to publish their personal information on line
Bill Kerr: just the facts about online youth victimisation