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ToonDoo - The Cartoon Strip Creator
ToonDoo is a wacky way to get creative with comics.
You can now create your own comic strips, share them or insert
them in your blogs with just a few clicks and drag-n-drops!
So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
Google Maps: America's Highway: Oral Histories of Route 66
Jay Crim and Shekar Davarya spent the summer of 2002 driving across the country on Route 66, collecting interviews with the people who live, work and travel on the old road. The audio, video and images on this map are the result of that summer, and offer a glimpse into what life was like on the now-decommissioned highway and what remains for those who still travel the road.
MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages
7 Things You Should Know About...
<p>The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative's (ELI's) <em>7 Things You Should Know About...</em> series provides concise information on emerging learning technologies and related practices. Each brief focuses on a single technology or practice and describes:</p>
<li>What it is</li>
<li>How it works</li>
<li>Where it is going</li>
<li>Why it matters to teaching and learning</li></ul>
YouTube - A Vision of K-12 Students Today
A synthesis of information from several videos, including Michael Wesch's "Vision of Students Today" and Karl Fisch's "Did You Know." The style is similar to Wesch's video, where students hold up signs with text. This isn't so much new or innovative as a great example of a remix of content for a specific audience, focusing more on K-12 teachers.
Children's Books Online - BigUniverse.com
You can read picture books online for free at this site, but the exciting part is being able to create your own books using their authoring tool and collection of images. Author blogs and other features are also available.
eLearn: Case Studies - Telling an Old Story in a New Way: Raid on Deerfield
Case study of a website using primary sources to tell the story of the raid on Deerfield, Massachusetts in 1704. Also asks how you determine the success of a site like this, which isn't formal e-learning.
Reflections on Fourth Grade Collaborations | always learning
Kim Cofino reflects on doing the 1001 Flat World Tales with 4th graders--what the students learned and what she learned about managing these types of projects.
Center for Digital Storytelling: Resources
Articles and other resources about digital storytelling
Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
Directory for the educational uses of digital storytelling website. Resources include getting started with digital storytelling, examples, tools, and evaluation. The Evaluation section includes information on some of the research being done in this area.
GoAnimate - Homepage
Create animations with premade cartoon characters, backgrounds, and music. You can upload your own content too. No programming required. I could see this as a tool for digital storytelling.
Free Technology for Teachers: 7 Resources for Creating Cartoons and Comics
Online applications for creating comics and cartoons. Lots of possibilities for digital storytelling here.
Langwitches » Digital Storytelling Part VIII- Audacity
Tips for using Audacity for digital storytelling, personalizing a story with the author's voice and sparking the audience's imagination
Web-based animation, video and storytelling options grow » Moving at the Speed of Creativity
Overview of numerous tools for digital storytelling, including VoiceThread, Animoto, Fuzzwhich, Shapeshifter, and UStream.
CogDogRoo - StoryTools
Over 50 tools for digital storytelling, categorized by tool type
CogDogRoo - StoryMedia
Sources for Creative Commons and public domain images, audio, and video for use in digital storytelling
Create an Interactive Story Format with Multiple Endings
Step-by-step directions to create an interactive branching story in PowerPoint
Interactive Bag of Tricks: Multimedia storytelling options
Different types of multimedia stories with examples from USA Today. Even though this is about professional news storytelling, the comparison of benefits of media is useful for educational contexts.
Alice and Kev
Digital storytelling using the Sims 3, telling the tale of a homeless father and daughter. Really great emotional work with both the images and the writing.