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elearnspace: A World without Courses
elearnspace: A World without Courses
George Siemens presents ideas about what a world without courses would look like. We have lots of pieces of content that can be distributed for learning, but how do we assign value to that learning? What about a reputation system, where experts recognized within the network can evaluate the work of others? What about recommending other learning resources, like Amazon recommends other books? Siemens raises some very interesting possibilities here.
elearnspace: A World without Courses
I mean, really, where did we think all of this was going to go?
I mean, really, where did we think all of this was going to go?

George Siemens further explores the idea of a world without courses in 3 areas: 1. Content

  1. Conversations and Connections
  2. Reputation and Accreditations This would be a real revolution in learning and education, and it's intriguing to imagine the possibilities even if it is (as Siemens admits) very speculative.
I mean, really, where did we think all of this was going to go?