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Four Letter Words - How wiki and edit are making the Internet a better teaching tool - Using Wiki in Education -
Four Letter Words - How wiki and edit are making the Internet a better teaching tool - Using Wiki in Education -
Chapter in a "wiki book" (2 chapters are free, others require payment for the book). The beginning of this chapter is a basic intro to wikis, but the graphics explaining the workflow are interesting. The author argues that when you work with wikis, you get all the logistic pieces out of the way early in the creative process, leaving more time for actual writing and collaboration. In practice, I think there are times when you have to address the logistics issues throughout the process, but it's greatly reduced with wikis.
<p>The above example demonstrates the power of the wiki to make collaboration more inclusive and knowledge construction efficient, distributed and fast. If you think about this visually, the email/Word scenario has limited periods of creativity separated by the logistical and socially sensitive task of combining edits:</p> <p></p><div align="center"><img src="/download/attachments/54/ch1-lowproductivetime.jpg" border="0"></div><p></p> <p>The wiki completely changes this by shifting logistics to the shortest possible segment of time at the outset, leaving a much greater period of time for collaborative creativity and knowledge construction:</p> <p></p><div align="center"><img src="/download/attachments/54/ch1-highproductivetime.jpg" border="0"></div>
Four Letter Words - How wiki and edit are making the Internet a better teaching tool - Using Wiki in Education -
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Working Wikily: The fine lines between content and curriculum and self-directed learning and instruction ....
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Working Wikily: The fine lines between content and curriculum and self-directed learning and instruction ....
Beth Kanter on the process of developing curriculum collaboratively with a "swarm" of contributors on a wiki
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Working Wikily: The fine lines between content and curriculum and self-directed learning and instruction ....
jaysscratchpad » Solving Muliple Edit Problem Using the Include Command
jaysscratchpad » Solving Muliple Edit Problem Using the Include Command
One issue with using wikis for collaborative group projects is that you can't have multiple people simultaneously editing the same page. If all you need is a bunch of separate parts aggregated onto a single page (without any editing to make them all a cohesive document at the end), the technique outlined here would be a good workaround.
jaysscratchpad » Solving Muliple Edit Problem Using the Include Command