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eSchool News online - Florida leads growth in virtual schooling
eSchool News online - Florida leads growth in virtual schooling
Virtual schools are growing fast, though, at an annual rate of about 25 percent. Estimates of elementary and secondary students taking virtual classes range from 500,000 to 1 million nationally, compared with total public school enrollment of about 50 million.
eSchool News online - Florida leads growth in virtual schooling
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Research on teachers doing both face-to-face and online teaching. 75% of the teachers said that teaching online improved their face-to-face teaching. Course design and communication changes were most common, but some teachers also added multimedia.
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Education Week: Online Education Cast as ‘Disruptive Innovation’
Education Week: Online Education Cast as ‘Disruptive Innovation’
Book review describing online education as a disruptive technology for K-12 education. The educational system as it exists right now, the authors argue, can't adapt to new technologies and provide the individualized, student-centered approaches possible with online learning. Compares models of change in business to education.
<a href=""><i>Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns</i></a> predicts that the growth in computer-based delivery of education will accelerate swiftly until, by 2019, half of all high school classes will be taught over the Internet.
Education Week: Online Education Cast as ‘Disruptive Innovation’
Evaluating Online Learning
Evaluating Online Learning
80-page PDF from the US Department of Education on evaluating K-12 online learning. I haven't read it all yet, but some of this would probably apply to higher ed settings, and maybe corporate settings. Includes examples & case studies of successful online K-12 programs.
Evaluating Online Learning