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Blogging Is History | Edutopia
Blogging Is History | Edutopia
"People think that kids today somehow grow up magically knowing how to use new technologies," he adds. "They don't. The difference with this generation is that if students don't know how to use a technology, they aren't afraid of learning."
Blogging Is History | Edutopia
‘Natives,’ ‘Immigrants’ and ‘Pioneers’ in the Digital World « Scholars and Rogues
‘Natives,’ ‘Immigrants’ and ‘Pioneers’ in the Digital World « Scholars and Rogues
But the point is that these writers and researchers totally ignore or overlook people like me who were the earliest users and adapters, and are ourselves ‘natives’. Or more properly, we’re <em>pioneers</em>, since we’re the ones who built, tested, and worked the bugs out of many of these things. We were the people in the university computer labs, or in the military communications shops, who put this technology to real-world use, and, when we could, started bragging about it to our outside friends.
‘Natives,’ ‘Immigrants’ and ‘Pioneers’ in the Digital World « Scholars and Rogues
Connectivism Blog: Digital Natives and Immigrants
Connectivism Blog: Digital Natives and Immigrants
But our institutions need to change because of the increasing complexity of society and globalization. Schools and universities play a dual role: accommodating learner’s method and mode of learning <i>and</i> transforming learners and preparing them to function in the world that is unfolding. This distinction may seem slight, but it's important. <br> Why should schools react to learner's methods of learning and interacting with content? Well, obviously, if we ignore how they interact with each other and with content, we are largely subjecting them to a mode of thinking (linear, certainty-based) that is at odds with how they experience life (complex, social, and collaborative). Contrary to Prensksy's views, this distinction is NOT a function of age. It's a function of attitude...a mindset of experimentation...experience with technology.
Connectivism Blog: Digital Natives and Immigrants
The Only Net-Gen Nonsense : Ruminate
The Only Net-Gen Nonsense : Ruminate
Response to the "Net Gen Nonsense" blog and George Siemens' arguments that it's the environment changing rather than the learners. Chris Lott argues that learners have changed in response to the changing environment; the characteristics of these learners are more important than whether the changes are biological or environmental in origin. Interesting analogy to eating in times of abundance and scarcity.
I suspect that we will see, in retrospect, that there are biological and neurological changes occurring due to technological changes, but it’s not really important. The remonstrations about the evidence remind me of scientists concluding that bumblebees can’t fly and philosophers concluding that there is no physical reality. Like Berkeley, I refute you thus, with the students I teach every term… but I will refrain from kicking them as proof!
The analogy I came up with a few days ago was that of eating. People eat very differently in times of abundance than scarcity. Their biology doesn’t significantly change (though it does some), but it would be foolish to look around and argue that people aren’t really eating differently, it’s just a change in their food context. It would be wiser to recognize that the socioeconomic context is an important factor to consider when it comes to nutrition and try to teach proper eating habits in an environment that is not just no longer one of hunting and gathering, but one that is very different for most of us from even 50 years ago.
The Only Net-Gen Nonsense : Ruminate
Adopt and Adapt: Shaping Tech for the Classroom | Edutopia
Adopt and Adapt: Shaping Tech for the Classroom | Edutopia
Marc Prensky on uses of technology in the classroom, moving from simply dabbling to doing "new things in new ways."
<p>First, it helps to look at the typical process of technology adoption (keeping in mind, of course, that schools are not typical of anything.) It's typically a four-step process:</p> <ol> <li> Dabbling.</li> <li> Doing old things in old ways.</li> <li> Doing old things in new ways.</li> <li> Doing new things in new ways.</li></ol>
Adopt and Adapt: Shaping Tech for the Classroom | Edutopia
Innovate: Why Professor Johnny Can't Read: Understanding the Net Generation's Texts
Innovate: Why Professor Johnny Can't Read: Understanding the Net Generation's Texts
The authors argue that Net Gen students are used to hyperlinked, nonlinear content, so they don't necessarily approach learning with the same kind of linear approach most of their professors do. The premise here focuses on how this affects writing, organizing information, and sense-making. They argue that multimedia projects can demonstrate the same depth of thinking as a traditional linear text. Registration required.
As a result, while N-Gens interact with the world through multimedia, online social networking, and routine multitasking, their professors tend to approach learning linearly, one task at a time, and as an individual activity that is centered largely around printed text (Hartman, Dzubian, and Brophy-Ellison <a target="_blank" href="">2007</a>).
However, these digital texts do not necessarily lack style, coherence, or organization; they simply present meaning in ways unfamiliar to the instructor. For example, a collection of images on Flickr with authorial comments and tags certainly does not resemble the traditional essay, but the time spent on such a project, the motivation for undertaking it, and its ability to communicate meaning can certainly be equal to the investment and motivation required by the traditional essay—and the photos may actually provide more meaningful communication for their intended audience.
Texts that do not look like books or essays and that are structured in unfamiliar ways may leave educators with the perception that the authors of these texts lack necessary literacy skills. Are these students missing something, or are they coming to us with skills as researchers, readers, writers, and critical thinkers that have been developed in a context that faculty members may not understand and appreciate? The striking differences between the linear, print-based texts of instructors and the interactive, fluctuating, hyperlinked texts of the N-Gen student may keep instructors from fully appreciating the thought processes behind these texts. Learning how to teach the wired student requires a two-pronged effort: to understand how N-Gen student understand and process texts and to create a pedagogy that leverages the learning skills of this type of learner.
Innovate: Why Professor Johnny Can't Read: Understanding the Net Generation's Texts