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Pageflakes for FOE2007
Social Bookmarking Conundrum « Thumann Resources
Resources for getting started in Diigo and comparisons between Diigo and Delicious
Streamline It Part I: Diigo or Bust : Metanoia
Side-by-side comparison of Diigo,, and Zotero from someone who was using all of them but decided to switch to just Diigo. While admitting that this is the right personal choice, he's not convinced about whether it's the right choice for schools to introduce social bookmarking.
Social Bookmarking Soulmates at WRT: Writer Response Theory
Classroom activity using Diigo's user profiles to find a "social bookmarking soulmate" who has similar interests
Share More! Wiki » Anthology/Diigo the Web for Education - From TeleGatherer to TelePlanter with Diigo?
Miguel Guhlin summarizes ways to use Diigo in education. Also includes directions on signing up and subscribing to RSS feeds for tags.
The Strength of Weak Ties » Integrity or Dishonesty?
If a student doing research searches related tags on delicious, is that cheating? That's the question discussed here, and many teachers would argue that it's dishonest to use those bookmarks. But if you look at the bibliography for a print source as a place to find more research, would that be cheating? You still have to read and understand the content, but the process for finding it is changing.