Pageflakes for FOE2007
Tool Factory Podcasting
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Back to School Tools for the Organized Student - Lifehacker
Getting Started with Videogame Development : November 2007 : THE Journal
The Ed Techie: The VLE/LMS is dead
Streamline It Part I: Diigo or Bust : Metanoia
Side-by-side comparison of Diigo,, and Zotero from someone who was using all of them but decided to switch to just Diigo. While admitting that this is the right personal choice, he's not convinced about whether it's the right choice for schools to introduce social bookmarking.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: 38 Birthday presents from CoolCatTeacher to you!
Vicki Davis shares 38 online tools that she uses
Mnemograph: Web Based Timeline Software
Free tool to create online Flash-based interactive timelines. Games for Education
Free games, tools, and graphic organizers, including a Venn Diagram, priority chart, timeline, and timer. You can create your own casual games with questions, like a word game based on "Space Invaders."
Voicethread 4 Education » home
Wiki collection of resources and examples for using Voicethread for education purposes. Also includes some best practices and professional development examples.
K12 Online Conference 2008 | Getting Started “Free Tools for Universal Design for Learning in Literacy”
Presentation on tools for accessibility and universal design to help improve literacy, focusing on learning disabilities (at least in the two examples). All the tools noted are free. Even though this is geared mainly towards face-to-face teachers, many of these tools can be used for e-learning too.
SpeEdChange: Toolbelt Theory for Everyone
Ira Socol's "Toolbelt Theory," the idea that we all need tools to help us survive in the the world, and every individual needs a different set of tools. The is a broader idea than just accessibility; it's about giving all learners control of their own tools to find what works best for them.
How will your students communicate when they leave school? How will they gather information? How will they say what they need to say?
The thing about toolbelts though, is that no two people ever really need the same one.
So the trick to tool use is to learn to evaluate tasks and environments and your skills and the tools themselves as they change and determine what works best for you. I call this the "TEST" - <span style="font-weight: bold;">T</span>ask - <span style="font-weight: bold;">E</span>nvironment - <span style="font-weight: bold;">S</span>kills - <span style="font-weight: bold;">T</span>ools, a specifically ordered reframing of <a href="">Joy Zabala</a>'s "<a href="">SETT</a>" protocol. A specifically ordered reframing designed for self-determination.
And on top of this, the tools most schools are devoted to are antiques which serve few functions anywhere outside of school. It is as if you were learning to build homes but were allowed to use only tools invented before 1940. You'd be close to unemployable when you finished that training.
The only way to allow students to assemble this essential toolbelt for information and communication is to to throw open your classroom and let the world in. How will your students know which calendar works for them - the one on their phone, Google Calendar with SMS appointment texting, Microsoft Outlook, or any of a dozen paper systems unless you allow them to try them out?
CogDogRoo - StoryTools
Over 50 tools for digital storytelling, categorized by tool type
Idea : Docs for Teachers - Google Docs Help
Examples from real teachers about how Google Docs can be used in the classroom
Online Portfolio Tools
Helen Barrett recreated her portfolio in over 30 online tools. This page includes samples and instructions for some of the more successful tools.
Categories of ePortfolio Tools
Tools categorized by individual or institutional, ranked by interactivity and the amount of personal expression possible
Eportfolio-NYIT - Resources
Resources and examples for online portfolios, including some tutorials for different tools
21stcenturylearning - home
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach's wiki with workshop and web 2.0 resources.
Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers - Cat's Pyjamas
Matrix showing how different types of activities can be completed with different tools in Moodle. The focus is on the activity and end result, not on the tool--the guide shows what tools fit the outcome you're looking for.
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2022 – Results of the 16th Annual Survey
Jane Hart's report on the top 100 tools for learning in her annual survey. Tools are categorized based on whether they are mostly used for personal learning, workplace learning, and education (although there's plenty of overlap and exceptions in those categories).