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Learning Visions: Half of Companies Blocking Facebook
Learning Visions: Half of Companies Blocking Facebook
But what information is it that is actually being "leaked" through Facebook by these irresponsible employees ?<br><br>The article gives no specifics, making me wonder if the threat is real or just imagined by the corporate control freaks.
Learning Visions: Half of Companies Blocking Facebook
Facebook and the Enterprise: Part 5: Knowledge Management | confused of calcutta
Facebook and the Enterprise: Part 5: Knowledge Management | confused of calcutta
<p>I believe there are three primary reasons why an enterprise would want to “manage its knowledge”:</p> <p>One, to share learning, so that the same mistake is not made multiple times.</p> <p>Two, to share learning, so that activities get sped up.</p> <p>Three, to share learning, so that people are motivated to learn and to teach.</p> <p>To share learning.</p>
Knowledge management is not really about the content, it is about creating an environment where learning takes place. Maybe we spend too much time trying to create an environment where teaching takes place, rather than focus on the learning.
Facebook and the Enterprise: Part 5: Knowledge Management | confused of calcutta
Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace! | Students |
Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace! | Students |
Online spaces are blurring, as universities that podcast and text their students have shown. The Jisc project manager, Lawrie Phipps, explains how the battle lines are being drawn: "Students really do want to keep their lives separate. They don't want to be always available to their lecturers or bombarded with academic information."
Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace! | Students |
udutu | Create simulations online with ease.
udutu | Create simulations online with ease.
Udutu has a beta system out called UdutuTeach and UdutuLearn to turn social networking sites like Facebook into an LMS
Udutu brings to the eLearning community the world's first LMS designed to run on popular Social Networks such as Facebook.
udutu | Create simulations online with ease.
iterating toward openness » Blog Archive » If Facebook Worked Like Blackboard
iterating toward openness » Blog Archive » If Facebook Worked Like Blackboard
A short post, but very pointed--if Facebook worked like an LMS, no real community would ever develop. Questions the whole idea of closed educational systems.
<p>What if Facebook worked like Blackboard (or pretty much any other LMS)? </p> <p>Imagine if every fifteen weeks Facebook:</p> <ul> <li>shut down all the groups you belonged to, </li> <li>deleted all your forum posts,</li> <li>removed all the photos, videos, and other files you had shared, and</li> <li>forgot who your friends were.</li></ul>
iterating toward openness » Blog Archive » If Facebook Worked Like Blackboard
10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
If you're using Facebook, especially if you use it with multiple groups of people (friends, family, professional contacts, bloggers), friend lists are highly recommended. This is also a good article to pass along to people who are resistant. To some extent, I figure all the privacy is illusory; people can still share what they know, after all. But it's at least some protection.
10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know