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It’s not just students who have trouble evaluating sources… : UberNoggin: Big Brains - Big Ideas
brynnafred » Blog Archive » “640K ought to be enough for anybody.” — Bill Gates, 1981
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On the High Art of Getting Grades Without Learning Anything
Tongue in cheek tips for getting a good grade without doing any actual work, such as "Nod frequently and murmur, "How true!"
You Suck at Photoshop, Hilarious Tutorials by Donnie Hoyle | Laughing Squid
Not your standard Photoshop tutorials. Screencasts with audio, with the instructor playing the role of a very dysfunctional man.
The Immutable Laws of Web Design and Development | Blue Flavor
Humorous look at "laws" of web design and getting projects done
A task always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.
Top 10 Worst Captchas | John M Willis ESM Blog
These are just awful Captchas--great examples of failures for usability.
A Difference: Things They Should Have Taught Me
Humor as a tool for teaching, with math examples.
Donald Clark Plan B: Amazing learning styles research
I agree with the commenters who suggested this post would have been better on April 1, but it's a nice test of information literacy and common sense for people to read it now. How many teachers, trainers, and administrators do you think you could fool with this fake research?
The Bamboo Project Blog: Twitter Hating
I've resisted Twitter, and it's nice to see some balance in the discussion. Even if you love Twitter, check out the videos for some laughs.
A Collection of Web Design Horror Stories and Quotes from Bad Clients : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Stories of crappy clients. We could have e-learning versions of at least half of these.
Flickr: The Stick Figures in Peril Pool
A collection of photos of sometimes bizarre warning signs. I have to find some ways to use some of these in presentations.
What Instructional Designers Don't Want to Hear
What do we dread hearing from clients? All of these!