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Are You a Techno-Constructivist?
Are You a Techno-Constructivist?
Seventy percent of the jobs available in the workforce will somehow be related to the acquisition and manipulation of digital knowledge. Workers will need to be able to access information, evaluate it for its worth, use it in creative ways, and be flexible enough to change their work product as the information changes. Ninety percent of those jobs will go unfilled if this need is not addressed today in the schools. The time is now.
Are You a Techno-Constructivist?, The Story Place of the Web, The Story Place of the Web
Enjoy an interactive learning experience as you see thousands of hand-selected and relevant links to pictures, artifacts, manuscripts, documents and other primary sources, IN CONTEXT, within each story.
··, The Story Place of the Web
Blogging 101 motivates students
Blogging 101 motivates students
Indeed, blogging acts as an important motivational tool for learning, said Dean Shareski, head of digital learning for the Prairie South School Board. Students are more motivated when they realize hundreds of people can view their work, Shareski said, noting interest in writing has increased since the blogs began.
Blogging 101 motivates students
Blogging Is History | Edutopia
Blogging Is History | Edutopia
"People think that kids today somehow grow up magically knowing how to use new technologies," he adds. "They don't. The difference with this generation is that if students don't know how to use a technology, they aren't afraid of learning."
Blogging Is History | Edutopia
No more school as council opens 'learning centres' - Independent Online Edition News
No more school as council opens 'learning centres' - Independent Online Edition News
<p>The style of learning will be completely different. The new centres will open from 7am until 10pm in both term-time and what used to be known as the school holidays. At weekends, they will open from 9am to 8pm.</p> <p>Youngsters will not be taught in formal classes, nor will they stick to a rigid timetable; instead they will work online at their own speeds on programmes that are tailor-made to match their interests.</p>
No more school as council opens 'learning centres' - Independent Online Edition News