Who's Coming to Dinner - Survey Says! : Bump on the Blog
Multilingualism, identities and multiliteracies: Student and teacher voices at Coppard Glen
School Reform & Student Diversity: Case Studies of Exemplary Practices for LEP Students
Case studies of several schools helping ELL students.
Being a Girl and Being a Boy: The Voices of Middle Schoolers
Quotes and research about gender differences in middle school
ASCD: Whose Problem Is Poverty?
Educational Leadership article arguing that closing the achievement gap requires a combination of both improved education and improved socionomic conditions. The article lists a number of health issues for low-income children that can affect student achievement.
Top News - Panelists: Online learning can help minority students
Advantages for online learning at the K-12 level to help disadvantaged students. In spite of the title, this is about more than just racial issues.
In fact, Jackson said, out of all the high schools in Illinois that implement online learning, a predominantly Hispanic high school has the highest online learning pass rate. This school has managed to recover dropouts and has encouraged parents raising children and/or working full-time to enroll as well.
<div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;">“Online learning isn’t just some remedial course we’re giving to minority or disadvantaged kids,” said Rose. “It’s a high-quality education that’s helping to meet individual student needs.”</div>
<div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"> </div>
<div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;">Jackson argued that sometimes online courses are even more rigorous than traditional courses, because they are more interactive, require technology literacy, and provide a host of online resources for a student to take advantage of.</div>
Only for MY Kid
1998 article by Alfie Kohn on barriers to progressive changes in education, with some proposals for better approaches for working with parents to help them see the benefits
McClaren, who looks back on what happened from his new
post several states away, says he made "two fatal assumptions" when he
started: "I thought if it was good for kids, everyone would embrace it,
and I thought all adults wanted all kids to be successful. That's not
true. The people who receive status from their kids' performing well in
school didn't like that other kids' performance might be raised to the
level of their own kids'."
The Power of Educational Technology: 9 Common Principles for 21st Century Schools
Principles for 21st century schools like rewarding risk taking and teaching empathy. I don't think I've seen anyone else put empathy on their list of 21st century skills, and I'm not quite sure how you teach it.