terrythetennisball » home
techinthemiddle » home
techinthemiddle » Ancient Africa Unit Planner
always learning » The Perfect Match: Technology Integration and Understanding by Design
To me, technology facilitator isn’t just about bringing technology into the core classrooms, it’s about the process - the process of learning how to plan a new unit in a new way, using new tools…
Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology
Chemistry with Mr. Olson
Wetpaint wiki used for chemistry class. Each element has a "profile" page with information, written in the first person (as if the element is creating the profile). The sodium profile is really well done, with several videos and a good mix of media.
Wikispaces Blog » Blog Archive » A Classroom Wiki Webquest
7th & 8th grade wiki on rock history, where students researched and presented information on the wiki. The instructor also acknowledges learning a lot from her students on using Photobucket and other tools in combination with the wiki.
Reflections on Fourth Grade Collaborations | always learning
Kim Cofino reflects on doing the 1001 Flat World Tales with 4th graders--what the students learned and what she learned about managing these types of projects.
nets-implementation » home
Wiki collecting examples of how the National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) are being implemented
Voicethread 4 Education » home
Wiki collection of resources and examples for using Voicethread for education purposes. Also includes some best practices and professional development examples.
Flat Classroom Project
Home page for the international educational collaboration projects with Vicki Davis and Julie Lindsay