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No more school as council opens 'learning centres' - Independent Online Edition News
No more school as council opens 'learning centres' - Independent Online Edition News
<p>The style of learning will be completely different. The new centres will open from 7am until 10pm in both term-time and what used to be known as the school holidays. At weekends, they will open from 9am to 8pm.</p> <p>Youngsters will not be taught in formal classes, nor will they stick to a rigid timetable; instead they will work online at their own speeds on programmes that are tailor-made to match their interests.</p>
No more school as council opens 'learning centres' - Independent Online Edition News
blog of proximal development » Blog Archive » Conversation with Pre-Service Teachers - Teacher as Learner
blog of proximal development » Blog Archive » Conversation with Pre-Service Teachers - Teacher as Learner
And so, the challenge is that when I try to divest myself of my teacherly voice I need to remember that this process is not about losing the voice of the expert but about losing the voice of the traditional authoritarian teacher who enters the classroom as an official persona armed with a pre-defined set of goals and very specific lesson plans for his students to follow. It is about giving the students the freedom to engage with ideas that they find relevant and interesting, not about dictating every step of their learning process.
I believe that it is important to lose the authoritarian voice, the controlling voice, but not the voice of an expert who chose to teach because of his passion for the subject. The students need to see that the instructor is someone who lives and breathes whatever it is that they’re studying, that they have in their midst someone who has a wealth of expertise.
blog of proximal development » Blog Archive » Conversation with Pre-Service Teachers - Teacher as Learner
growing changing learning creating: Relying on inner teachers
growing changing learning creating: Relying on inner teachers
Looking at changing education and giving learners control of their own learning, letting their "inner teachers" guide them.
When we assume each student has an inner teacher within their minds, we will stop interfering with the discovery, cultivation and trust building with that inner teacher. The inner teacher will come to the fore of the students learning experiences and and reconfigure how they picture learning occurring. Problems with a particular learning challenge or patterns of learning efforts will get worked out between the student and the inner teacher who already knows what the underlying problems are.
When immersed in learning from everything that happens, people will appear very fascinating to each other. No two people will be the same and offer so much more to explore as their mysterious nature captivates other learners. The process of getting learned about by others-- will give each a feeling of being understood. A context of mutual respect, insight and acceptance will dramatically reduce the urge to get attention, get even or act out frustrations.
growing changing learning creating: Relying on inner teachers
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: The Five Phases of Flattening a Classroom
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: The Five Phases of Flattening a Classroom
Vicki Davis explains that classrooms can't jump immediately to being fully connected--you have to take steps to build the community and teach the safe behaviors. In 5 phases, Vicki goes from the "intra-connected classroom" to a classroom with many-to-many connections and student management.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: The Five Phases of Flattening a Classroom
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Working Wikily: The fine lines between content and curriculum and self-directed learning and instruction ....
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Working Wikily: The fine lines between content and curriculum and self-directed learning and instruction ....
Beth Kanter on the process of developing curriculum collaboratively with a "swarm" of contributors on a wiki
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Working Wikily: The fine lines between content and curriculum and self-directed learning and instruction ....
E-Learning Queen: The Best Way to Learn in an Online Course
E-Learning Queen: The Best Way to Learn in an Online Course
Advice for online learners to get the most out of their courses. Includes cognitive, behavioral, and self-regulation strategies. Even though this is geared towards learners, instructional designers can also benefit from thinking about how to teach and model these strategies.
E-Learning Queen: The Best Way to Learn in an Online Course
SpeEdChange: Toolbelt Theory for Everyone
SpeEdChange: Toolbelt Theory for Everyone
Ira Socol's "Toolbelt Theory," the idea that we all need tools to help us survive in the the world, and every individual needs a different set of tools. The is a broader idea than just accessibility; it's about giving all learners control of their own tools to find what works best for them.
How will your students communicate when they leave school? How will they gather information? How will they say what they need to say?
The thing about toolbelts though, is that no two people ever really need the same one.
So the trick to tool use is to learn to evaluate tasks and environments and your skills and the tools themselves as they change and determine what works best for you. I call this the "TEST" - <span style="font-weight: bold;">T</span>ask - <span style="font-weight: bold;">E</span>nvironment - <span style="font-weight: bold;">S</span>kills - <span style="font-weight: bold;">T</span>ools, a specifically ordered reframing of <a href="">Joy Zabala</a>'s "<a href="">SETT</a>" protocol. A specifically ordered reframing designed for self-determination.
And on top of this, the tools most schools are devoted to are antiques which serve few functions anywhere outside of school. It is as if you were learning to build homes but were allowed to use only tools invented before 1940. You'd be close to unemployable when you finished that training.
The only way to allow students to assemble this essential toolbelt for information and communication is to to throw open your classroom and let the world in. How will your students know which calendar works for them - the one on their phone, Google Calendar with SMS appointment texting, Microsoft Outlook, or any of a dozen paper systems unless you allow them to try them out?
SpeEdChange: Toolbelt Theory for Everyone