Clive on Learning: Barbara's tennis holiday
Needed Skills for New Media : eLearning Technology
Critical Evaluation of Information Sources (University of Oregon Libraries)
2¢ Worth » History = Future ?
Facebook and the Enterprise: Part 5: Knowledge Management | confused of calcutta
<p>I believe there are three primary reasons why an enterprise would want to “manage its knowledge”:</p>
<p>One, to share learning, so that the same mistake is not made multiple times.</p>
<p>Two, to share learning, so that activities get sped up.</p>
<p>Three, to share learning, so that people are motivated to learn and to teach.</p>
<p>To share learning.</p>
Knowledge management is not really about the content, it is about creating an environment where learning takes place. Maybe we spend too much time trying to create an environment where teaching takes place, rather than focus on the learning.
growing changing learning creating: Come inside the PLE arena
The Self-Directed Student Toolbox: 100 Web Resources for Lifelong Learners | OEDb
<a href="">Experiencing E-Learning</a>:
Mainly geared toward instructors, this blog offers advice and tools for any
individual who is interested in lifelong learning.</li>
Performance support & Connectionism — Informal Learning Blog
The common wisdom holds that in the information age, we are each responsible for our own learning. The new insight is that we are each responsible for our own instructional design. We must ask ourselves whether we want to learn something or just to learn how to find it.
blog of proximal development » Blog Archive » Conversation with Pre-Service Teachers - Teacher as Learner
And so, the challenge is that when I try to divest myself of my teacherly voice I need to remember that this process is not about losing the voice of the expert but about losing the voice of the traditional authoritarian teacher who enters the classroom as an official persona armed with a pre-defined set of goals and very specific lesson plans for his students to follow. It is about giving the students the freedom to engage with ideas that they find relevant and interesting, not about dictating every step of their learning process.
I believe that it is important to lose the authoritarian voice, the controlling voice, but not the voice of an expert who chose to teach because of his passion for the subject. The students need to see that the instructor is someone who lives and breathes whatever it is that they’re studying, that they have in their midst someone who has a wealth of expertise.
italki - Language Exchange and Learning Community
This site helps connect people to learn languages. You can find a partner to practice your skills through IM, VOIP, etc. Also includes a Q&A and resources section.
Eide Neurolearning Blog: Walking and Chewing Gum at the Same Time: Multi-Tasking and Complex Thinking
Research showing that, at least in some cases, doing two tasks at the same time is actually more efficient than doing each separately.
Maybe basic skill sets for schooling should not be thought of as the 3 R's (reading, writing, and 'rithmetic), but rather beyond the memorization of facts and procedures, the efficient working of working memory and long term memory, the strategic use of brain resources for dynamic problem solving and multi-tasking, and the organization of ideas and perceptions for all types of output: verbal as well as non-verbal.
Clive on Learning: Stocking fillers for e-learning enthusiasts
A reading list for e-learning professionals. I have some of these books, and I'm familiar with others, but some of these are new to me. Not everything on the list is directly related to e-learning, but Clive has reviewed all the books.
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Framework for 21st Century Learning
Framework for digital skills, broken into 4 areas
- Core subjects & 21st century themes
- Learning and Innovation Skills
- Information, Media, & Technology Skills
- Life and Career Skills The Future of the Future: Boundary-less living, working and learning
Blurring the lines between work, life, and learning. I don't think most of us are completely at this boundary-less balance yet, but working from home certainly does change where my boundaries are.
<p>The bottom line: Organizations can no longer focus strictly on working, while ignoring living and learning. Neither can you, as a knowledge professional. The enterprise of the future must bring all three of those areas into balance.</p><p>Living means loving what you do and finding fulfillment in it. Working means doing what you love, in a way that is both challenging and rewarding. Learning means continually making new discoveries and putting those discoveries to work, both personally and professionally.</p><p>In essence, you and your organization, and your extended network, are now co-dependent. Your ability to grow is limited if your organization and network aren’t growing. Likewise, if you aren’t growing, you are inhibiting the growth of the organizations to which you belong. Think brain trust, as opposed to assembly line.</p>
The Bamboo Project Blog: What Work Zone Are You In And Is It Time for a Professional Change?
Looking at jobs and work environments in terms of how much learning is happening. If you aren't learning in your job and haven't been for a while, it's probably time to change your environment or change your job.
TL Forum 2000: McLoughlin and Marshall - learner support in an online teaching environment
Scaffolding skills for learning online to support the development of lifelong learning skills. The authors identify 4 aspects of "learning to learn": articulation, self regulation, repertoir of learning strategies, and self-evaluation skills. Design principles to support these 4 component skills are covered.
Creating Learning Communities
Resources, discussion lists, and an online book about creating learning communities, especially communities of "self-learners"
How to get an Instructional Design education without paying tuition |
A reading list for instructional designers, especially those of us doing the "informal masters" on our own rather than enrolling. More than just instructional design, this list includes project management, psychology of learning, and other topics.
Related link:
BuzzMachine » Blog Archive » Google U
Jeff Jarvis asks what the disaggregated university would look like, with students and professors both picking and choosing the best of what they wanted.
Start here: Why should my son or daughter have to pick a single college and with it only the teachers and courses offered there?
Similarly, why should a professor pick just from the students accepted at his or her school? Online, the best can pick from the best, cutting out the middleman of university admissions.
Once you put all this together, students can self-organize with teachers and fellow students to learn what they want how and where they want. My hope is that this could finally lead to the lifelong education we keep nattering about but do little to actually support. And why don’t we? Because it doesn’t fit into the degree structure. And because self-organizing classes and education could cut academic institutions out of the their exclusive role in education.
eLearn: Ten Web 2.0 Things You Can Do in Ten Minutes to Be a More Successful E-learning Professional
List from Stephen Downes of quick activities. Although the title says "e-learning professionals" many of these would be applicable to anyone interested in some quick ongoing professional development
What You Really Need To Learn » SlideShare
Stephen Downes presentation on 10 things "you really need to learn."
"Learning how to learn is learning how to create patterns in our mind rather than merely acquiring them."
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: 38 Birthday presents from CoolCatTeacher to you!
Vicki Davis shares 38 online tools that she uses
Dave’s Whiteboard » Blog Archive » Think and do?
Dave Ferguson explains at the end of this post his "three links out" idea. You read a post on one of your regular blogs, then click a link (1). From there, click another link (2). From that place, click a third link (3). This brings you outside your regular circle of reading so you're explosed to new people and ideas. Seems like a good lifelong learning technique.
Half an Hour: Finding Time
Stephen Downes, on finding the time to write online by focusing on using content from a closed environment and bringing it into the open.
The whole point isn't to *add* online writing on top of everything else you do. Nobody has time for that.<br><br>Rather, what you want to be thinking of doing is to gradually migrate to writing online *instead* of writing for those other purposes.<br><br>That doesn't mean you become a blog writer and nothing else. Rather, what you'll find is that writing for the website makes writing for all those other things a lot easier.
The idea is to take the stuff you do for private audiences and to present it (as much as you can) to public audiences.<br>
IgnitePhilly -- Five Minutes To Communicate - Practical Theory
5 minute presentation (20 slides) by Chris Lehmann on school reform and what we need for School 2.0. Several good lines in here--a bunch of memorable ideas packed into a few minutes. Assessment should be projects, not tests. Data is what kids do every day, not what they do on a test. Passion, metacognition, and lifelong learning matter. "If you want to see what kids have learned, give them a project."
Half an Hour: Things You Really Need to Learn
Like several other people, I just found this 2006 post from Stephen Downes on 10 things you should learn that you won't be taught in school. Great thoughts for lifelong learning, wherever you are in life.
1. How to predict consequences
The prediction of consequences is part science, part mathematics, and part visualization.
2. How to read
Oddly, by this I do not mean 'literacy' in the traditional sense, but rather, how to look at some text and to <span style="font-style: italic;">understand</span>, in a deep way, what is being asserted
<span style="font-weight: bold;">3. How to distinguish truth from fiction</span>
The first thing to learn is to actually question what you are told, what you read, and what you see on television. Do not simply accept what you are told. Always ask, how can you know that this is true? What evidence would lead you to believe that it is false?
<span style="font-weight: bold;">4. How to empathize</span>
Empathy isn't some sort of bargain. It isn't the application of the <a href="">Golden Rule</a>. It is a <span style="font-style: italic;">genuine</span> feeling in yourself that operates in synch with the other person, a way of accessing their inner mental states through the sympathetic operation of your own mental states. You are polite because <span style="font-style: italic;">you</span> feel bad when you are rude; you are honest because <span style="font-style: italic;">you</span> feel offended when you lie.
5. How to be creative
Creativity, in other words, often operates by <span style="font-style: italic;">metaphor</span>, which means you need to learn how to <span style="font-style: italic;">find things in common</span> between the current situation and other things you know.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">6. How to communicate clearly</span>
Communicating clearly is most of all a matter of knowing what you want to say, and then employing some simple tools in order to say it.
7. How to Learn
Learning to learn is the same as learning anything else. It takes practice.
8. How to stay healthy
Finally, remember: you never have to justify protecting your own life and health.
9. How to value yourself
You can have all the knowledge and skills in the world, but they are meaningless if you do not feel personally empowered to use them; it's like owning a <a href="">Lamborghini</a> and not having a driver's license.
10. How to live meaningfully
If you don't decide what is worth doing, someone will decide for you, and at some point in your life you will realize that you haven't done what is worth doing at all.
Paper 2: Welcome to the Exploratorium! « Arieliondotcom the LORD-loving Learning Lion
Ideas on changing the role of instructional designer and teacher to a "sharer," focusing on creating the environment where learning connections are made and setting up guideposts to help learners find their own way.
<p>I believe that the roles of the Instructional Designer and Teacher are changing and must change in the face of the ever-increasing onslaught of information every human being faces today. Those roles must merge into the Sharer, who shows new technologies and connections to information to others while always keeping in mind his/her own role as perpetual student. </p>
<p>To do this, the Sharer must, at least in some respects, plant the environment for others, set up what may grow into connections and give opportunity for emergence in ways even the Sharer may not envision yet, but in a reasonably “safe” environment for exploration.</p>
The Teacher/Sharer, parents and student collaborate on ensuring that whatever method the student is using is assisting in wayfinding toward those goals. If more connections are made, so much the better. But along the path, like signposts, each of the connections (parents, Teacher/Sharers) and each tool (video, Second Life, writing, drawing, blog, podcast, etc.) used to connect to people will prompt the student for responses (dates, opinions, responses to readings) of the set curriculum, but framed in the context best suited for that student. A record of the waypoints shows how the student connected and which connections seemed to spark the most activity and best learning. If the student misses a certain number of waypoints, the direction of the connections is adjusted until success is achieved.
Weblogg-ed » Personalizing Education for Teachers, Too
An argument against standardizing professional development for teachers. Will we ever transform education if we expect every teacher to learn the same things at the same time in the same way? If we personalize their learning and tap into their passions, we might be able to create some real change in education though.
Teachers are learners. If they’re not, they shouldn’t be teachers.
Half an Hour: How to Get the Most out of a Conference
Extensive tips on how to get the most out of a conference. Lots of practical tips about travel, preparing to speak, and networking