ThemeGurus - Moodle Themes..Moodle+Joomla/Mambo Combos!
Themes for Moodle--some free, but more available with membership
In the Middle of the Curve: Archive of Moodle Posts
Wendy Wickham's list of posts about implementing Moodle, from start to finish, including the change management that was necessary.
Main Page - MoodleDocs
Wiki Documentation for Moodle, for teachers & administrators
Gartner: E-learning Market Pushing Toward Open Source
Interview on the increase of open source LMSs Moodle and Sakai in higher education
Moving to Moodle: Reflections Two Years Later (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE CONNECT
Reflections on the transition process moving from an in-house LMS to Moodle, including discussion of change management challenges
Blackboard vs. Moodle: North Carolina Community Colleges Assessment
Highlights from a study comparing Blackboard and Moodle with several good points. Basically, neither system is much better than the other, but switching to Moodle saves money and ultimately makes students and faculty happy.
Using Moodle book - MoodleDocs
Free book on using Moodle (CC-NC-SA)
Using Moodle: Set Assignments for Specific Groups
Discussion on group assignments, including a good video on groups vs. groupings
Introduction to Moodle for corporate L&D
Overview of the pros and cons of Moodle in the corporate realm
Donald Clark Plan B: Moodle: e-learning’s Frankenstein
How Moodle has evolved from its original educational roots
YouTube - UsingMoodle's Channel
Lots of great tutorials for Moodle
Blender - Training Solutions: Moodle Reporting and User Management: Is MOOMIS the answer?
Info on a tool for creating custom reports in Moodle
MOOMIS Report Creator
Information on the MOOMIS report creator for Moodle--create reports by groups over multiple courses
Using Moodle: Rubric
Information on using rubrics for assessment Modules and plugins (Assignment Rubrics)
Assignment rubric plugin info
Workshop Tool in Moodle
Guide to using the Moodle Workshop module
Using Moodle: Workshop Grades Not Posting to Gradebook
Forum info on how to synchronize legacy grades using the Workshop module
Using Moodle: Gradebook Does Not Consider "Group Members Only" Functionality
Hidden categories/items to deal with grouping in gradebook?
MoodleTuts | 5 Minute Moodle Tutorials
Quick tutorials on Moodle, including info on SCORM and making Captivate play nicely with Moodle
Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers - Cat's Pyjamas
Matrix showing how different types of activities can be completed with different tools in Moodle. The focus is on the activity and end result, not on the tool--the guide shows what tools fit the outcome you're looking for.
Using Moodle: Blank page without error database module
Possible solution for blank quiz page with SSL
Using Moodle: Chat & Quiz Blank Page in 1.9.5 but in 2.0 is good,how to combined
Another possible solution for the quiz blank page with SSL
Using Moodle: Changing from http to https
Sitewide SSL tips
Aaron Cayard-Roberts :: Blog :: Moodle + SSL
Detailed tips for using SSL with Moodle
Using Moodle: Importing dates in a csv file into date fields - how? (Moodle 1.9.2+)
Solution to convert dates from an export of Moodle's database activity to Excel (Unix dates are encoded differently than Excel)
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal
Overview of open source LMS options with examples of districts currently using them. This article covers Moodle, Sakai, Canvas, OLAT, ATutor, and Google CloudCourse. I thought CloudCourse was owned by Google, but it appears the code has an Apache license. CloudCourse seems to be mostly scheduling rather than a full-fledged LMS.
Moodle :: Prices :: Solin
Moodle hosting & services prices (in Euros)
Moodle installation
Prices and times for vanilla Moodle installation (3-4 hours, $100-$200)
Review: Admin Report – Custom SQL queries for Moodle 2 | Some Random Thoughts
Review of a custom reporting module for Moodle 2. You must know SQL or have a known good query for this report. However, there are examples available.