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Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
Learning Solutions Magazine article on online education programs for instructional designers. Compares certificates to masters degrees and PhDs. Includes ideas on how to pick a program that is the right fit for you. The table at the end with a list of schools, programs, and costs is very helpful.
Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
The 60-minute masters | Onlignment
The 60-minute masters | Onlignment
This was created in 2007 as a quick course in designing e-learning for SMEs. While the fully developed versions of the course seem to no longer be available, the scripts are here so you could create your own version. New instructional designers may benefit from reading the scripts and envisioning how they could create a course.
The 60-minute masters | Onlignment
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
Cara North breaks down the expenses to get started freelancing, using her actual costs plus a few alternatives. For setting up an LLC, website, hardware, software, and professional development, you can expect to spend a few thousand dollars in the first year.
So how much does it cost to start as a freelance instructional designer? My estimate is between $3000 and $5000.
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?