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Claroline . NET - Home
Claroline . NET - Home
Claroline is an <strong>Open Source eLearning and eWorking platform</strong> allowing organizations to build effective online courses and to manage learning and collaborative activities on the web. Translated into 35 languages, Claroline has a large worldwide users’ and developers’ community.
Claroline . NET - Home
About Fire Vox
About Fire Vox
Open Source screen reader for Firefox. Nice to have a free option that you can use for development and testing purposes without violating the TOS (i.e., JAWS).
About Fire Vox
Open Source Living
Open Source Living
Directory of open source software applications, sorted by function. Includes a tag search function.
Open Source Living
CCK08: How to Profit off of Open Source, Or at least pay the Bills « Bradleyshoebottom’s Weblog
CCK08: How to Profit off of Open Source, Or at least pay the Bills « Bradleyshoebottom’s Weblog
Building on ideas from Stephen Downes on different models for sustainable open source work, this provides specific examples of how open source could benefit a complex industry like telecommunications and benefit that corporate environment.
Now how do you make this open source and still pay the bills. One way would be to make the training content truly open like MIT. To recover costs, the manufacture or the training provider could charge for certification exam, access to mentors, discussion groups, and access the training equipment. So if certification credentials are import to the customer, then this model works.
or example, I have already explained how the customer can build dynamic content around their features, but a customer could also using Wiki-like features, go in and upload their system schematics, photos, maps, or IP addresses and then have the content repository publish a unique document for the requestor. The automotive industry is already moving in this direction creating unique user manuals for each customer based on the features selected at the time of purchase.
CCK08: How to Profit off of Open Source, Or at least pay the Bills « Bradleyshoebottom’s Weblog
Ajax Animator Open Source Flash
Ajax Animator Open Source Flash
Web-based open source application for creating animations. Allows for the creation of multiple layers and uses a timeline. Not much documentation or support since it's early in development, but looks like it's worth playing with if you don't have the budget for Flash and do have some time.
Ajax Animator Open Source Flash
SpeEdChange: Refusing Free, Depriving Students
SpeEdChange: Refusing Free, Depriving Students
Why do schools refuse to use free and open source software options, even when those options would improve accessibility for students? Ignorance? Fear? Politics? Probably some combination of all three.
If an electrician was too afraid of electricity to touch a wire, he'd be an electrician no more. So if an educator is afraid of the information and communication technologies of his/her age, then he/she can no longer be an "educator" in any meaningful way.
SpeEdChange: Refusing Free, Depriving Students
GDocBackup (fhtino)
GDocBackup (fhtino)
Open source Google Docs backup tool. It checks whether the Google Docs file already exists on your computer and if it's an older version and only downloads a backup copy if needed.
GDocBackup (fhtino)
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal
Overview of open source LMS options with examples of districts currently using them. This article covers Moodle, Sakai, Canvas, OLAT, ATutor, and Google CloudCourse. I thought CloudCourse was owned by Google, but it appears the code has an Apache license. CloudCourse seems to be mostly scheduling rather than a full-fledged LMS.
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal