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eLearning Guild Annual Gathering 2008 - Day 1- Social Learning Discussion « eLearning Weekly
eLearning Guild Annual Gathering 2008 - Day 1- Social Learning Discussion « eLearning Weekly
Tips and tricks for implementing social learning tools (Web 2.0 tools for learning) in organizations, focused on how to get people in the organization to buy in and actually use the tools.
<li>Oftentimes, when social learning is discussed at an organization, some workers shy away. They see their knowledge as their power, and they’re afraid to give up that control. How to overcome this? Emphasize their ability to help others and play a bigger role in helping the organization, instead of hoarding the knowledge. (Sometimes easier said than done.)</li> <li>If you’re getting pushback on social learning technologies (ex. blogs and wikis), you may want to have evangelist(s) at your organization who take lead and emphasize the potential of these tools, show examples, etc.</li>
"What is the perfect social learning implementation? There is no such thing. Use whatever tools and methodologies that help your teams collaborate best."
eLearning Guild Annual Gathering 2008 - Day 1- Social Learning Discussion « eLearning Weekly
Learning 2.0 Strategy : eLearning Technology
Learning 2.0 Strategy : eLearning Technology
7 aspects of learning 2.0 strategy, with a recurring theme of focusing on small, simple, tactical changes rather than trying to do a top-down approach. This makes sense; web 2.0 isn't a top-down exchange of information, so learning 2.0 shouldn't work best with that kind of hierarchy either. Focus on the behaviors you can change and the tactics that can be immediately successful, then let the organizational culture and strategy follow.
Learning 2.0 Strategy : eLearning Technology