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The Bamboo Project Blog: Privacy, Social Media and Learning
The Bamboo Project Blog: Privacy, Social Media and Learning
Businesses and organizations may worry about social media and Web 2.0 tools in terms of privacy and confidentiality, but their fears are largely unfounded. If people are going to share your secrets, they have plenty of other ways to do so besides social media--and those other ways are likely more effective.
Social media is actually a <strong>really poo</strong>r method for talking about things I shouldn't be discussing because through search and the very nature of social networks, it makes it extremely unlikely that I can keep this activity a secret for very long.&nbsp;
Consider what would happen, though, if we turned to social media for the majority of our interactions within an organization. If we're posting questions and answers on a blog or wiki, using social networks to interact and share information, as a learning professional I can monitor those channels to see where additional learning interventions might be appropriate.Not as a punishment, mind you, but as a sort of ongoing just-in-time learning needs analysis and opportunity for coaching. If a lot of questions suddenly start popping up on the network, that's a pretty good sign that as a learning professional I may need to do something.
The Bamboo Project Blog: Privacy, Social Media and Learning