absolutely intercultural!
Education Podcast Network
Radio WillowWeb
WillowWeb</strong> is a podcast for kids and
by kids from the students at Willowdale Elemetary School in Omaha, Nebraska.
Tool Factory Podcasting
Consensus: Podcasting Has No 'Inherent' Pedagogic Value
eLearn: Case Studies - The Reluctant Online Professor
As it turned out, this was one of the best courses, online or onsite, I have ever taught. Not only did I witness enormous engagement among almost all of the students, but the level of learning was much higher than in previous years.
The feedback from the students on the course was very positive, better than I had received for the onsite course in previous years. One of my favorite written student comments was, "… I don't know how this course could be taught as effectively in the classroom."
Multimedia Projects | ITS | University of Illinois at Springfield
Sample multimedia projects from the University of Illinois at Springfield
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Evaluation of Podcasts - Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
Checklist of qualities for good podcasts