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Could Power Point Presentations Be Stifling Learning?
Could Power Point Presentations Be Stifling Learning?
This summary doesn't say how large the sample size was, and the researchers clarify that it's only about teaching new concepts. However, it is interesting to note that animation in PowerPoint slide decreased recall and comprehension.
<p>To test their hypothesis, the team recorded two versions of a PowerPoint lecture. The presentations differed only in the presence of animation to incrementally present information. They then showed students either the animated or non-animated lecture and then tested the students recall and comprehension of the lecture.</p> <p>The team found a marked difference in average student performance, with those seeing the non-animated lecture performing much better in the tests than those who watched the animated lecture. Students were able to recall details of the static graphics much better. Animated slides meant to present information incrementally actually require greater concentration, which makes it harder to remember content as well as reducing overall exposure time to the "complete" slide, the researchers found.</p>
<p>To test their hypothesis, the team recorded two versions of a PowerPoint lecture. The presentations differed only in the presence of animation to incrementally present information. They then showed students either the animated or non-animated lecture and then tested the students recall and comprehension of the lecture.</p> <p>The team found a marked difference in average student performance, with those seeing the non-animated lecture performing much better in the tests than those who watched the animated lecture. </p>
Could Power Point Presentations Be Stifling Learning?
Online tool for converting PDF files to Word, Excel, PPT, etc. It does a good job of making text editable, but converts SmartArt as static graphics. It would work for small text edits in a presentation where you don't have the original PPT file, but if you had a lot of SmartArt to rebuild it wouldn't save much time. It might work better for Excel spreadsheets than the PPT I tested.
Best Practices for Effective PowerPoint Presentations Assessment | Think Outside The Slide
Best Practices for Effective PowerPoint Presentations Assessment | Think Outside The Slide
A lengthy and thorough checklist for effective PowerPoint presentations. Although the list is set up by asking if you "not often" or "almost always" follow the best practices in general, you could easily adapt this as a checklist for reviewing a specific presentation.
Best Practices for Effective PowerPoint Presentations Assessment | Think Outside The Slide
Storyboard your ideas in PowerPoint
Storyboard your ideas in PowerPoint
Install the free version of Visual Studio to add Storyboarding tools to PowerPoint. These are intended for web and app development, but you could use these tools for elearning storyboards by following the first part of the instructions (ignoring the parts about linking to backlog items with a team).
Storyboard your ideas in PowerPoint