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TeacherTube - How to create a great PowerPoint without breaking the law.
45 minute presentation from the eTech Ohio 2008 conference by Alvin Trusty. Half of the presentation is about creating good presentations, half about copyright law in education. Touches on color, contrast, font, and more.
What You Really Need To Learn » SlideShare
Stephen Downes presentation on 10 things "you really need to learn."
"Learning how to learn is learning how to create patterns in our mind rather than merely acquiring them."
Career Advice '08 » SlideShare
Garr Reynolds (Presentation Zen) slideshow summarizing the 6 career tips from Daniel Pink's book, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko. Reynolds also gives his own ideas on each of the points. I love the point about doing things that are you believe are intrinsically valuable even if they don't lead you on an obvious career path; we should learn what we're passionate about.
Collaboration Tools : eLearning Technology
Text version and list of tools for screen sharing, VOIP, video conferencing, web conferencing, multimedia presentations, file sharing, and more. The mind map version might be easier to understand than the text list, but having the list as a starting point for your own research is nice.
authorSTREAM Online PowerPoint Presentations and Slideshow Sharing
Similar to Slideshare, this site lets you upload PowerPoint presentations for online sharing. However, this site also allows conversion to Flash while keeping all transitions and animations.
Cynthia Calongne’s Presentations on SlideShare
Slideshare presentations by Cynthia Calogne from CTU, who does lots of Second Life work
Presentation Zen How to Design & Deliver Presentations Like a Pro (pdf)
Basic concepts for using PowerPoint effectively for delivering presentations, using multimedia learning principles from Richard Mayer. Includes a list of selected readings and example slides.
New Literacy in the Web 2.0 World
Presentation on now technology changes what it means to be literate.
"'Literacy' as in the 'new literacy' is a metaphor for essential abilities required today to shape and communicate meanings, develop oneself, and participate in society."
New evidence that bullet-points don’t work : Speaking about Presenting
Research applying cognitive load theory to slide presentations providing evidence that slides crammed full of text aren't effective for helping people learn and remember
Presenting with live slides – OER, literacies, libraries and the future preso @ Dave’s Educational Blog
Dave Cormier explains how he "presented" at a webinar using "live slides": thought-provoking questions on slides with lots of space for participants to use the whiteboard. I'm not sure this is really "presenting" though; it's more moderating a discussion. But it sounds much more engaging than the usual presentations.
The Neuroscience Of Storytelling (For Presentations)
No citations, so take the science with a grain of salt. Nice visual overview of how storytelling can make presentations more memorable. These principles apply to learning too.
Best Practices for Effective PowerPoint Presentations Assessment | Think Outside The Slide
A lengthy and thorough checklist for effective PowerPoint presentations. Although the list is set up by asking if you "not often" or "almost always" follow the best practices in general, you could easily adapt this as a checklist for reviewing a specific presentation.
Free teleprompter in your browser. If you're doing a quick video and need a script, this lets you edit right on the page. Position it near your camera to maintain eye contact.
DDX - 1023 - Streamlining Branching Scenario Planning and Design_Trim from The Learning Guild on Vimeo
Recording of my session at DevLearn 2020
The Official Speaker Fee Calculator — The Speaker Lab
Free calculator to determine fees for speaking at in person or virtual events, based on your experience speaking, customization required for the presentation, and more.
How Much to Charge For Public Speaking, Without Apology | Foundr
Benchmarks and suggestions for what to charge for public speaking
How Much Should You Charge for a Speech?
Pricing suggestions for how much to charge for speaking
How Much Should I Charge As A Speaker? Find Out Here!
These benchmarks for professional speaking fees are higher than some other sources, but the infographic at the bottom breaks down the lower end of the range more.