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Clive on Learning: The Cult of the Amateur
Clive on Learning: The Cult of the Amateur
Before mass media, ordinary people painted, wrote poems and short stories, sang and played the piano. Then mass media not only took over all our discretionary time, it intimidated us with its multi-million dollar production budgets, its worship of celebrity and its stranglehold on the public consciousness. With web 2.0, the staus qou has been re-established. People once more feel empowered to be creative again; no more just voyeurs of the supposedly clever and talented.
Clive on Learning: The Cult of the Amateur
edublogs: The cult of the amateur and how internet changes our culture
edublogs: The cult of the amateur and how internet changes our culture
Heck, as an absolute amateur in everything I do I've noticed that, in this day and age, being expert is not about getting more and more knowledgeable about a narrower and narrower field. It's all about being as clued up on the reasoning behind a wider and wider range of fields. Expertise has been redefined. It's just that academics like Keen have trouble swallowing it. There, folks, is the real digital divide.
edublogs: The cult of the amateur and how internet changes our culture