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eel-learning: Rabid Authoring
eel-learning: Rabid Authoring
But if it isn't the tools, is it the process? Is RA simply the dropping of ADDIE in favour of quickly reiterated prototypes or indeed of making it up off the top of your head and getting it out there same day? If that's the case why are we saying it needs instructional design?
eel-learning: Rabid Authoring
Clive on Learning: Three tiers in the content pyramid
Clive on Learning: Three tiers in the content pyramid
Clive Shepherd revises his model for e-learning tiers, adding a bottom level of social learning technology to the tiers of rapid development and high-end e-learning. High-end e-learning is a top-down model; social learning is bottom up. He makes good points about these tiers serving different purposes; they compliment each other depending on the needs of a particular situation.
Professional designers should not feel threatened by this proliferation of content created by enthusiastic amateurs - the more experience people have with creating content for themselves, the more they will appreciate the skills the professionals bring to bear.
Clive on Learning: Three tiers in the content pyramid
What Does Your e-Learning Yield?
What Does Your e-Learning Yield?
A great analogy to use when someone asks you to create e-learning in an absurdly short time like a week.
<p>This is only possible by concluding that the only time necessary to create e-learning is that which is physically required to manipulate the tools to translate content onto the screen. &nbsp;That thinking applied to my strawberry crop would go something like this: &nbsp;</p> <p>I want us to start having strawberries, and I think we would benefit from producing about six quarts. &nbsp;I see that over at Edwards Berry Patch it takes about 5 minutes to pick a quart of strawberries. &nbsp;So since we need six, you should be able to get them for us in about a half hour. &nbsp;</p> <p>It’s utterly ridiculous; it ignores the fact that it took a year’s worth of effort to make that strawberry production possible. </p>
What Does Your e-Learning Yield?