RSS in Plain English: Common Craft
» Has Facebook abandoned privacy? | The Social Web |
14 “OTHER” Ways to Use RSS Feeds |
Essentially a list of applications that use RSS--forward emails to RSS, create widgets, send reminders to RSS, etc.
FeedVis: top 50 edublogs
Cool way of visualizing changes in word clouds over time in 50 of the top edublogs, pulled from their RSS feeds and continuously updated.
2¢ Worth » Why did Google Make this Harder
I was just trying to figure out how to get a news feed from Google today and was stumped. Google changed the interface and no longer provides a direct link, but you can manually create the feed.
You just have to manually rewrite the search URL, adding “<i>&output=rss</i>“.
Two Ways to Reclaim Your Feeds from FeedBurner
Get rid of Feedburner's link pollution--make URLs in your feed show up as your real URLs
Add Diigo To Google Readers New “Send To” Feature | (jeff)
Directions on how to add Diigo as an option for the "Send to" feature within Google Reader
The Old Reader
RSS reader inspired by Google Reader. No mobile app yet but they say they are working on it.
Going beyond Google Reader, RIP | Bryan Alexander
Alternatives to Google Reader
How to Use RSS Feeds
Helen Blunden explains how to use RSS to subscribe to specific feeds, including filtering for specific topics on a blog or subscribing to a YouTube channel. While following folks on social media can be a good way to discover new things and to interact with others, RSS gives you control and customization over what you see. If you feel like there's too much noise on social media and want a way to focus on reading just what you're interested in, RSS helps you do that.
If you’re relying on social networks to serve you up the content you want to read – you’re not in control.
To many people, I’m may be a bit of an old fashioned kook because I still use them religiously but the truth is, I wouldn’t be finding great content and sharing it to you if I was just relying on my social networks such as Twitter and LinkedIn to serve this content up to me. After all, my networks are reading similar content, retweeting and sharing the same stuff. An RSS Reader allows me to control what is coming to me but also is flexible enough for me to add to or delete feeds as my interests change.
RSS Generator - FetchRSS
Generate an RSS feed for any website, even if it doesn't have its own. This is really useful for keeping everything in your RSS reader rather than checking a much of separate sites. h/t Mike Taylor