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Will at Work Learning: New Research Report on Using Culturally, Linguistically, and Situationally Relevant Scenarios
Will at Work Learning: New Research Report on Using Culturally, Linguistically, and Situationally Relevant Scenarios
Research on how to support learning with scenarios that are relevant to the specific situation. Even though this is explicitly about workplace training, the major recommendations could be adapted for instructional design in education contexts too.
Utilize decision-making scenarios. Consider using them not just in a minor role—for example at the end of a section—but integrated into the main narrative of your learning design.
Determine the most important points you want to get across AND the most important situations in which these points are critical. Then, provide extra repetitions spaced over time on these key points and situations.
Will at Work Learning: New Research Report on Using Culturally, Linguistically, and Situationally Relevant Scenarios
Computers are dumb – make smarter e-Learning « The Usable Learning Blog
Computers are dumb – make smarter e-Learning « The Usable Learning Blog
Strategies for designing e-learning that lets learning be messy, more like the real world
<p>Basically, the revelation that I had was — <strong><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">I like right answers</span></strong>. &nbsp;I really like tidy right answers. &nbsp;I usually don’t ask learners questions that I don’t have a “right” answer or answers for. Even when the task is “authentic” and “embedded in context” I want there to be a right answer. &nbsp;And this <strong><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">is </span></strong><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);"><strong>wrong</strong></span>.</p> <p>Because what Dan Myer is teaching his students is how to approach problems that don’t have right answers, which is the way that most of the problems in the real world work. &nbsp;His students are learning to be okay with that, and how to ask good questions, and how approach those problems.</p>
Computers are dumb – make smarter e-Learning « The Usable Learning Blog
Spaced education improves the retention of clinical knowledge by medical students: a randomised controlled trial - Kerfoot - 2006 - Medical Education - Wiley Online Library
Spaced education improves the retention of clinical knowledge by medical students: a randomised controlled trial - Kerfoot - 2006 - Medical Education - Wiley Online Library
Research summary on spaced education for medical students. The e-learning included emailed scenarios and questions. The summary and conclusion talk about medical knowledge, but since this is about scenarios it seems like there might be some decision-making skills being reinforced here too.
<b>Conclusion </b> Spaced education consisting of clinical scenarios and questions distributed weekly via e-mail can significantly improve students' retention of medical knowledge.
Spaced education improves the retention of clinical knowledge by medical students: a randomised controlled trial - Kerfoot - 2006 - Medical Education - Wiley Online Library
The Lab | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
The Lab | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
Example of e-learning with a branching video scenarios, where you can play four different roles to avoid a serious incident of research misconduct. The stage is set with the "worst case scenario" where everything has gone wrong to draw you in, but you can travel back in time to prevent the problem.
The Lab | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
#LSCON day 3: Scenario based assesments and Choices – Challenge to learn
#LSCON day 3: Scenario based assesments and Choices – Challenge to learn
Recap of two LSCON presentations, one on scenario-based learning and the other on limiting choices to avoid choice overload
<p>One of the practical things I took from this session is that she writes the scenario’s out divided in 5 elements:</p> <ol> <li>The <strong>tasks</strong> that you need to be able to perform</li> <li>The <strong>procedures</strong> you need to know</li> <li>The <strong>tools</strong> that you have to use</li> <li>The <strong>knowledge</strong> you need to have</li> <li>The <strong>performance</strong> you have to deliver</li> </ol> <p>A very helpful scheme to use when you set up a scenario based learning experience. She starts out with a global storyline and character description, than she defines a sequence of events that contain a number of action points. She divides the scenario into smaller parts each containing a few action points. She only scores on action points and on good choice.</p>
#LSCON day 3: Scenario based assesments and Choices – Challenge to learn
Will at Work Learning: Case Question -- Concept Mapping, Question Answering, Multiple Sessions
Will at Work Learning: Case Question -- Concept Mapping, Question Answering, Multiple Sessions
Research on the effectiveness of concept mapping, answering retrieval questions, and reading in multiple sessions. I like the presentation of this in a scenario where you are asked to predict the results of research rather than simply summarizing the study.
Will at Work Learning: Case Question -- Concept Mapping, Question Answering, Multiple Sessions
Chat Mapper
Chat Mapper
Tool for developing branching dialogue. It's designed for both video games and training. There are more features here than what I would need for most scenario-based training I develop, but for something complex this would be a great way to create and test a conversation. It also exports to a very clean screenplay for actors. The free version is only for personal use, but the Indie license is only $60 and would be worth it for a complex enough project. I can usually keep it all straight in my own head in Word, but I've had problems getting actors and developers to understand how the pieces fit together. The simulated dialog might be enough to help others see the flow.
Chat Mapper
Storyboarding Branched Scenarios - ThinkingKap
Storyboarding Branched Scenarios - ThinkingKap
This is something I've struggled with--a good method for storyboarding branching scenarios. I've used several different Word and PowerPoint templates in the past, none of which have quite worked the way I wanted. I can write the branching in a linear document without much trouble (I once drafted one longhand in a notebook), but it makes my SMEs brains explode to try to follow them. I've seen recommendations for Twine in the past, and this explains in more detail how it works as a storyboarding tool.
Storyboarding Branched Scenarios - ThinkingKap