Content Search: Use Cases at Sims Learning Connections
NoodleTools - MLA / APA Bibliography Composer, Notecards, Free Research Tools
Search for music by singing or humming part of a song. All you need is a microphone.
KartOO visual meta search engine
Fact-Testing on the Britannica Blog: Analyzing Internet Search Skills
Study: Googling Oneself Is More Popular --
Interesting stats on looking up yourself, friends, and others through search engines. Most people say they aren't concerned about the information available about them online and that it is accurate. The low number of people reporting negative experiences from online information was a surprise to me--the fears about transparency don't seem to be backed up with data.
Few Internet users say they Google themselves regularly -- about three-quarters of self-searchers say they have done so only once or twice. And most who have done so consider what they find accurate. Only 4 percent of Internet users said embarrassing or inaccurate information online resulted in a bad experience.
Edublogs search
Custom Google search limited to education blogs and related sites, created by Stephen Downes
e-Learning Reloaded: Top 50 Web 2.0 Tools for Info Junkies, Researchers & Students | OEDb
Collection of 50 Web 2.0 tools in categories: organization, bookmarks & citation, communication, money & numbers, search, & learning. From OEDb (Online Education Database)
Boolify: PubLearn's Boolean Search Tool
Visual tool for creating Boolean searches--shows search criteria as puzzle pieces. Also includes a few lesson plans
Impress Your Friends and Co-Workers: Obscure Firefox Keyword Search » CogDogBlog
Set up a keyword search in Firefox for any site that has a search box. Handy little trick, with directions and a useful example.
Collecta calls itself "real-time search." It focuses on searching blogs, Twitter, news sites, etc. rather than more static web content.
10 Search Engines to Explore the Deep End of the Invisible Web
Search engines for finding information in databases, books, journals, and other places not indexed by Google.
Search the Articulate forums and resources