References - SimTeach Simulations
Edheads - Activate Your Mind!
Skip the textbook, play the video game | Chicago Tribune
"There are a lot of terrible educational games out there, where you have to do something unfun, like solve five math problems, so you can do something fun, like play a game," said Ben Stokes, a games expert at the MacArthur Foundation.<br><br> Instead, the experts are interested in the educational benefits of commercially available games that were not expressly designed for school use--simulation games like Zoo Tycoon, in which elementary school-age children can build virtual zoos by selecting animals, creating appropriate habitats, managing food budgets and even setting the prices of popcorn at the concession stands.<br>
Literary Worlds Index
The Blog of Clark Aldrich: Case Study: Fortune 100 Company: An Extra Day Every Week of Work
The Blog of Clark Aldrich: Case Study: Executives in Class - From “Recalling” To “Applying” New Knowledge
Second Life | Education
Second Life: Do You Need One? (Part 3) : July 2007 : THE Journal
Kapp Notes: Comparing 2D and 3D Synchronous Learning
Elearning examples -- infographics, simulations, and online courses » Making Change
Learning Technology: A Framework for Assessing Learning Outcomes in Online Business Simulations
Extensive paper evaluating the success of three business simulations based on both learning demonstrated within the simulation and learning transfered to real world skills
Corporate eLearning & Flash Development Portfolio -:- Clearly Trained
Portfolio with samples of simple and complex Flash simulations, corporate e-learning, and educational games. Several of the examples are from, some of my favorite simulations and games.
e-Learning: What’s Hot and What’s Not? « Performance X Design
Overview of current trends in e-learning. According to this post, what's hot is social media, informal learning, simulations & scenario-based learning, virtual worlds, rapid learning, mobile learning, open source, and performance support.
Thinking Worlds : Rapid Authoring Tool and 3d Engine
Tool for developing 3D simulations that can be played in a browser. Focused on the design rather than the backend programming; they advertise that you can create a sim in a week.
Resources from my presentation at Innovations in e-learning Symposium | Kapp Notes
Research highlights on learning with avatars, games, and simulations
Alternatives To ‘Correct’ and ‘Incorrect’: The eLearning Coach
Ideas for better feedback than the generic "correct" and "incorrect" used too often in e-learning. Consequences in a simulation are a form a feedback. So is branching in a scenario.
Simulation Tools for Every Budget
Tools for branching scenarios, from free and simple to expensive and complex. PDF, PowerPoint, BranchTrack, Inklewriter, Twine, Storyline, and SimWriter.
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion
This is a summary of a project at the University of Toronto using Twine to create an educational game, plus an overview of Twine.
Although Twine is a tool for creating “games”, this project goes beyond games and gamification to think creatively about how the functions of Twine can be used to create activities that allow students to more directly engage with learning content in a hands-on experiential format that may not be possible in a traditional classroom learning space.
Interactivity Vs. Engagement: Going beyond meaningless clicks
Jahan Kay clarifies the differences between interactivity and engagement, especially cognitive and emotional engagement. The article notes some types of interaction that may support cognitive engagement: scenario-based learning, simulations, discussions, and social interaction.
But the real value of interactivity doesn't lie in the number of physical interactions. It's about the depth of cognitive engagement these interactions can ignite.