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Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action
Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action
Exploring how social networking applications could be used to create a more social constructivist learning environment to support collaboration, creativity, and networking. (The author calls it "social learning theory" and contrasts it with "objectivist" learning, but never uses the phrase "social constructivism." Still, it seems like that's what she's describing.)
Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action
Systems thinking and innovation |
Systems thinking and innovation |
Live blogged notes from AECT about systems thinking, innovation, and games for learning. Lots of side comments too, including some good connections to instructional design and getting too bogged down in multiple theories.
This is exactly what has happened to instructional design, and could by <a href="">why theory and practice don’t meet</a>. <strong>So much theory has been introduced that we can no longer see how instruction is actually designed.</strong> That’s why I think many times it has become easier for novice (in this case non-academically trained) designers can do it so often. They are not encumbered by the fog of theory.
Systems thinking and innovation |
My conversation with academics
My conversation with academics
A 2007 post from the Learning Circuits blog about different views of the value of theories, research, and results in academia and corporate environments. Definitely takes the anti-academic POV. I like Mitch Owen's response in the comments: "Effective work is always blended.. theory and application.. "
My conversation with academics