What is social media? A simple social media map « Donald H Taylor5-minute slidecast on different types of social media, comparing content-focused and people-focused tools#socialmedia#tools#linkedin#blog#wiki#twitter#slideshare·donaldhtaylor.wordpress.com·Jul 18, 2009What is social media? A simple social media map « Donald H Taylor
Misadventures in Learning: What's a Twitter Chat?Intro to Twitter chats like #lrnchat, including how it works and tools to make participation easier#twitter#socialmedia#conversation#tools·misadventuresinlearning.blogspot.com·Jul 18, 2011Misadventures in Learning: What's a Twitter Chat?
OneUp: Schedule your social media postsScheduling tool for social media posts with both free and paid plans#socialmedia#tools#free·oneupapp.io·Dec 29, 2022OneUp: Schedule your social media posts