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eContent: Creating Second Life Content
Video Tutorials - Second Life Wiki
<b>The following's a list of Second Life tutorials.</b> This isn't meant to be a complete compilation, but specifically lists tutorials I've personally viewed and have found helpful. I (<a href="http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Torley_Linden" title="User:Torley Linden">Torley Linden</a>) started this with the intention of providing an easy-access resource for SL vidtuts, because currently (2007-02-27), they're scarce and hard-to-find.
Natalia's Second Life Diary Blog
Natalia Zelmanov, a girl in the virtual world of Second Life. With pretty clothes, <a href="http://slnatalia.blogspot.com/2006/11/build.html">tutorials</a>, <a href="http://slnatalia.blogspot.com/2006/11/siteseeing-and-exploring.html">cool places to visit</a>, and really bad dating advice.
Photoshop tutorials, plugins and downloads : The Photoshop Roadmap
User-submitted tutorials for Photoshop plus downloads for specialized brushes and plugins.
Adobe Flash Tutorials - Best of | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
Extensive list of Flash tutorials with descriptions from different sources.
You Suck at Photoshop, Hilarious Tutorials by Donnie Hoyle | Laughing Squid
Not your standard Photoshop tutorials. Screencasts with audio, with the instructor playing the role of a very dysfunctional man.
Adobe - Developer Center : Using animations to extend Adobe Captivate for right-click capability
It's always been irritating when creating software demos in Captivate that you can't ask users to right click. I've always just animated those actions and done a demo before, but this tutorial shows a way to actually have users do the right click and even score it. The Flash file to embed is included with the tutorial.
Adobe - Developer Center : CaptivatePlayer: Delivering Macromedia Captivate Content on the Web
Captivate tutorial & sample file to create a Flash menu to link multiple Captivate files.
Created with Camtasia Studio 5
3 minute screencast tutorial on making a Gantt chart in Excel. I've never seen this technique before; it's very well done.
Sakai Tutorials
Sakai tutorials, including video demos, from Oregon Health & Science University.
Sakai Tutorials — UCLA Office of Instructional Development
Video tutorials on Sakai from UCLA
Sakai Tutorial Menu
Sakai tutorials, created in Captivate. The information is good, but the audio is irritating--the narrator reads the caption text word-for-word and doesn't add anything else.
Google Earth Lessons
Lesson plans using Google Earth. Includes basic tutorials on Google Earth as well as lesson plans divided by subject.
Lancaster University. Centre for e-Science. e-Collaboration tools. Blogger
Step-by-step directions for the blog tool in Sakai
5min - Find the best how to, instructional and DIY videos – Life Videopedia
Video tutorials in 5 minutes or less on a variety of topics. Not a lot of formal education topics here--it's more DIY content.
How To Master Photoshop In Just One Week :: Elite By Design
Three-part series of tutorials on Photoshop--basically a crash course to learn the software
Free video tutorials on Flash
Tutorials | elearninglive.com
The goal here is to create Flash tutorials specifically for instructional designers and e-learning developers. Right now there's only one tutorial (on creating a drag and drop activity using ActionScript 3.0), but he plans to add more over time.
Video tutorials for Adobe products, grouped by product and by channels for roles (education, photographer, designer, etc.)
Tutorials - Audacity Wiki
Collection of tutorials for Audacity
25 Photoshop Tutorials for Creating 3D Text Effects | Vandelay Design Blog
Lots of inspiration and how tos for 3D text effects in Photoshop
YouTube - How to add Closed Captions and Subtitles to your video
Quick tutorial screencast by a kid on how to create and add captions to a YouTube video
Guide to Annotating using Diigo
Screencast showing annotation feature in Diigo
YouTube - UsingMoodle's Channel
Lots of great tutorials for Moodle
MoodleTuts | 5 Minute Moodle Tutorials
Quick tutorials on Moodle, including info on SCORM and making Captivate play nicely with Moodle
Adobe tutorials on creating e-learning, including a collection on advanced functions in Captivate
HTML5 Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 developers
Tutorials, playground, and other resources for learning HTML5