Connectivism: Learning as Network-Creation
visions2006 » The Web as Application
Teaching Hacks Wordpress Plugins
Teaching Hacks
10 Habits of Bloggers That Win!
Jane's E-Learning For Free Information Service
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The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2006
Nieman Reports
Using Google Notebook, Google Reader, and Firefox
You can also limit who gets to view a notebook by selecting different email addresses. This could be beneficial in a classroom context, when a student just wants to share access to their notebook with a few partners and the teacher, but not the entire class or the world.
Overall, however, I am VERY impressed with the Google Notebook tool and the possibilities it presents! I think it has HUGE applications for educational research, particularly because it permits such easy harvesting of links, quotations, and images with the date and originating URL/website included in the notebook clipping.
eLearning Technology: What is eLearning 2.0?
Web 2.0 for the Classroom Teacher
The New Face of Learning
hoefler » Research 2.0
Logic+Emotion: The End of Thought Leadership (As We Know It)
In the conversation economy, dialogue rules.
Clive on Learning: Barbara's tennis holiday
Clive on Learning: The Cult of the Amateur
Before mass media, ordinary people painted, wrote poems and short stories, sang and played the piano. Then mass media not only took over all our discretionary time, it intimidated us with its multi-million dollar production budgets, its worship of celebrity and its stranglehold on the public consciousness. With web 2.0, the staus qou has been re-established. People once more feel empowered to be creative again; no more just voyeurs of the supposedly clever and talented.
Mark's edtechblog: Third graders on blogging
Internet breathes life into dying languages | Lifestyle | Reuters
"To put it into perspective only two to four percent of the world's botanical and zoological species are in serious danger, whereas it's 50 percent of languages. The language crisis hasn't attracted the same degree of public awareness".
So Who Exactly IS Coming to Dinner? (Take the Survey) : Bump on the Blog
e-learning 2.0: All You Need To Know
Web of Connections
Wikipedia:Errors in the Encyclopædia Britannica that have been corrected in Wikipedia
Inspirational Teenager « HeyJude
think:lab: A Thread of Real-World Critique
edublogs: The cult of the amateur and how internet changes our culture
Heck, as an absolute amateur in everything I do I've noticed that, in this day and age, being expert is not about getting more and more knowledgeable about a narrower and narrower field. It's all about being as clued up on the reasoning behind a wider and wider range of fields. Expertise has been redefined. It's just that academics like Keen have trouble swallowing it. There, folks, is the real digital divide.
Half an Hour: Stager, Logo and Web 2.0
incorporated subversion » Blog Archive » Be quiet, listen to me, I know what you need…
Oh, I can hardly bear to go on… in fact I can’t, so I’ll finish here, except to say that that such an interesting overview of a slice of ed tech history has rarely, if ever, been followed by such a reactionary, limited and incomplete ivory-towered, condescending and ill-informed argument (if you can call it that).
Web pulls world into classroom |
When students know that anyone in the school with
an Internet connection – or around the world, for that matter – can read what they have written or created, it is remarkable
how quickly their thinking improves, not to mention the final product.
The Bamboo Project Blog: Is the Scarcity Mentality the Biggest Barrier to Social Media in Nonprofits?