The ALA Primer Part Two: Resources For Beginners
SITE DESIGN: "Chunking" information
Multimedia Best Practices -- Chunking
Transform Magazine - E-Learning For Short Attention Spans
Designing e-Learning User Interfaces Part 1: Assisting User Memory
Web design: 15 important research findings you should know – Jens Meiert
Fast, Cheap, and Good: Yes, You Can Have It All
Web-Based Distance Learning Technology: Interface Design Variables and their Effects
Non-Profit Tips » Is My Web Site Ineffective? An Introduction
F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Bad Usability Calendar 2007 - the friendly place to learn how to build a better web site
CSS Navigation Techniques (37 entries)
WebAIM: Web Accessibility in Mind
Browsing habits of screen reader users
Screenreader Visibility
Fangs - the screen reader emulator- Standards Schmandards
This <a href="">Mozilla Firefox</a> extension creates a textual representation of a web page similar to how the page would be read by a modern screen reader.
Seven Screen Reader Usability Tips
A List Apart: Articles: Where Our Standards Went Wrong
Web Design References: Accessibility
Eyetracking points the way to effective news article design
What if you could engage users in a story for about half the time, yet have them remember about 34 percent more of the content?
Kaosweaver - Home of Dreamweaver Extensions
Suckerfish Dropdowns - Three Level Bones
Learn › solarDreamStudios
[ws] Color Scheme Generator 2
Breadcrumb Navigation Increasingly Useful (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | Experiments with cascading style sheets | Doing it with Style
cssMenus › CSS › Learn › solarDreamStudios
Cognitive Daily: Casual Fridays: Casual readers read more closely than you think
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
<strong>Users recognize each page as belonging to the site</strong>
<strong>Users can move about easily via intuitive navigation</strong>
<p>The most important thing to keep in mind is that design is about communication. If you create a web site that works and presents information well, but looks ugly or doesn't fit with the client's brand, no one will want to use it. Similarly, if you make a beautiful web site that isn't usable and <a href="" class="\"glossary\"" title="\"Accessibility" deals="" with="" issues="" of="" making="" online="" content="" available="" for="" experience,="" enjoyment,="" and="" use="" by="" all="" visitors,="" including="" those="" who="" do="" not="" fit="" the="" standard="" "web="" user"="" mould.\="">accessible</a> <span class="tiny">[7]</span>, people may not be able to use it. Indeed, the elements and functionality of a finished web site design should work as a single cohesive unit, so that:</p>
<p><strong>Users are pleased by the design but drawn to the content</strong></p>